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Confirmation from Croatia about the Jubilee

Today I received an email from a reader in Croatia, with whom I have corresponded in the past. Hello, dr. Jones! This is Z------ G--- from Croatia. I e-mailed you a few…

Message For the New Year

About Contributions Now that we are at the start of a new year, I want to thank you all for your support of this ministry, both financial and prayer support. Some of you have…

Travel schedule

Darla and I will be traveling for the next week. It is not likely that I will be able to write any weblogs during this time. We will be meeting in two (private) home church…

First four books on Luke now available

As most of you know, I have been writing a verse-by-verse commentary on the book of Luke on these weblogs. Last week I started on Luke 12. The first eleven chapters of my…

Travel Schedule

I will be going out of town early Friday morning (tomorrow) and will not be back until Monday evening. I will not have opportunity to do any weblogs during this time. Have a…

Snow day

It was a short summer. Just when the mound of snow by our driveway had gotten down to about two feet, we got another snow storm. Last night we got about ten inches of new snow.…

Week end news

This will be a busy week end for me. Last evening a traveling preacher/teacher came to our house, and we are currently having a great time of fellowship. Other company is…


Yesterday I completed Luke 9. I have also been formatting the weblogs for Luke into books for future publication, so that this project does not overwhelm me at the end. I do not…

Back on track

If you are reading this, you noticed that our system is back on track. We lost internet connection two nights ago, and when I came to the office in the morning, I had no internet…

Snow day

We had close to 10 inches of heart-attack snow last night, and it took all morning to shovel out the driveway to get to the office. In fact, on my first attempt, I got stuck in…

Turning the page from Deuteronomy to Joshua

Yesterday, the seventh book on Deuteronomy was delivered to us, so it is now available. The sixth book was completed last month, and the eighth book is being spiral bound now. I…

Happy Thanksgiving

I came to a cold office this morning and called the landlord to see if he could get a maintenance man to fix the heater. It is 52 degrees, making it difficult to type with cold…

Deuteronomy Book #5 on "Kingdom Government" completed

My fifth book on Deuteronomy has now been completed and may be ordered for $15, plus $5 postage or is also available from the Bible Study Storehouse by clicking here.. It is 165…

FFI Newsletter Has Been Posted

The October FFI newsletter has been posted. You can find it by clicking here which will take you to the main FFI listing page. There you can click on the 2013 section and you will…

Blog for the day

Here's a short but encouraging blog from a new blogger on the internet. Some of you may recognize her. She is my youngest daughter, Audra, who has developed some good writing…

Moses' third speech now available in book form

Moses' third speech is entitled, Why Israel was Chosen. It covers Deuteronomy chapters 9-13. It is now available in spiral book form for $15 plus $5 shipping. It is not yet…

Server Upgrades Update

We wanted to let everyone know that the first phase of our server upgrade has completed successfully and we are about to begin the second and final phase. This final phase is…

Regarding Site Updates

A news post has been posted regarding upcoming site updates. You can view it here.

Quantum and Non-Quantum States of the Lord Jesus Christ

Servias Ministries has received the shipment of Dr. Speckhart's new book: “Quantum and Non-Quantum States of The Lord Jesus Christ” For a description, go to:…

Two books now available online in Hungarian

A reader has now finished translating two books into Hungarian, and they are posted here: The Purpose of…