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Interesting Response from Malaysia

I receive many interesting emails from people around the world. I think the following email is a good illustration of the UNITY principle. Though we are half a world apart, yet we…

Vinnie's Minnesota story

At the time of this writing, I, Vinnie Imperial, am simply in awe at the goodness, grace, and sovereignty of Almighty God. Please allow me to explain as you read this testimony of…

Operation Jericho

For the past two evenings, I have been attending planning meetings for Operation Jericho. This is essentially a prophetic prayer campaign to take the Twin Cities for the Kingdom…

Summary of the current Prophetic Year

Each year God does something new in the progression of the Kingdom. Each new thing revolves around the biblical feast days, culminating at the Feast of Tabernacles. I call this…

The Republic discusses my "Republic of Israel" series

Some may find this interesting....

Various personal and prophetic items on God's agenda

I do not know if I will have time to write a blog on Friday morning, so I am writing something this evening (Thursday). I have a wedding to attend on Friday afternoon. A nephew…

Democrats and Republicans--the path to friendship

Ever since the advocates of "free trade" convinced Congress that it would be good for America to send the jobs overseas to low-paid workers willing to work for a few dollars a…

Windows of Heaven confirmation

Here is an email about a dream that occurred on July 18, the day that we won the prayer campaign, closed the "gates of hell," and opened up the "windows of heaven". . . . I…

More on the Rainbow Bridge

I received this from Cecilia today, reminding me of the Rainbow Bridge revelation at the Passover meeting last April in Manassas, VA. It is also helpful to know the "dog"…

Dalai Lama fails, but gives it a second try

It appears that the Dalai Lama and his helpers stayed past July 16 (Saturday) because their attempt at setting up the portal failed. Gee whiz. Here is a video by another concerned…

Update on Spiritual Warfare

As I reported last Saturday, we are engaged in spiritual warfare from July 15-20. I first learned of the problem a few days earlier, but God had us wait until the night of the…

Reader response to the question, Who is Obama

Here is a reader's response to my blog the other day on Do you know this man? There is a lot of disinformation out there on all sides of the political spectrum. Does anyone have…

Do you know this man?

Someone has posed an interesting question. He is one who graduated from Columbia in 1983, one year ahead of Mr. Obama. Funny thing, though, no one at the university has stepped…

A Teacher's Prayer

NOMINATED FOR "BEST EMAIL OF THE YEAR" After being interviewed by the school administration, the prospective teacher said: "Let me see if I've got this right . . . You…


In yesterday's blog I made the statement that "The Gospel of the Kingdom that Paul preached had no threats." I apologize for overstating the case. I was thinking about 2 Cor.…

Can a red heifer purify us from death today? The Temple Institute spokesman talks about the red heifer (Num. 19) and how it is essential to have one in order to…

Free Book--The Circumcised Heart of Love

There are a few hundred of these books available free of charge. Order from:

Correction re 1997 China Trip

Today I heard from one of the intercessors who went to China in June 1997 and who witnessed Hong Kong's transfer of authority. She notified me of some corrections: Your blog…

Emerging Patterns from 1989 and 1997

It appears that Iraq is finally ready to make the necessary changes in its currency by the end of June. Alsumaria News from Baghdad wrote on June 23, Salih stressed that the…