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David Wilkerson's 1974 prophecy of earthquakes

David Wilkerson wrote a book many years ago prophesying of a large quake in America--possibly some time after a quake in Japan. Something to ponder and pray about.…

Defining Adjudication

Here is an email from one of our readers. Adjudication: At work, I submit adjudication paperwork to the Government to apply for security clearances for our…

Report from Christchurch

Here is an email from a Christchurch resident who shares something about the Feb. 22 quake there. He recently had moved to the area that was least affected by the quake. No…

New Book on Romans now ready

A few months ago I did a series of weblogs on the book of Romans. I am planning to use these (modified and with additions) as the basis of a commentary on Romans put into…

The Occult Significance of March 22

This article was published a year ago, in particular to comment on March 22, 2010. The date itself applies every year, so it applies also to 2011.…


We may well be entering an unprecedented era of natural and man-made disasters. These, of course, were predicted long ago in Matt. 24 and in other places, so we should not be…

Article on Christchurch, a city built on sand Interesting symbolism in this article. See Matthew 7:24-27.


I will be leaving shortly to go to San Francisco for the Quail and Manna Conference. Even in the past months, I have not been able to keep up with all the emails that people…

Love Wins--and here comes the hail

This is an email from Luke. Not the original apostle, who is long dead, but probably a close relative. It tells of a new book coming out this month, written by one of the more…

Letter about San Francisco

Hi Stephen. I feel to share this with you this morning. It was written several years ago after I returned from a trip to San Francisco. I'm sending this to you now because I…

Vinnie's "Glory Blog"

Dear Kingdom Saints, My heart is filled with expectancy at what God is about to do at this conference in San Francisco. I asked Dr. Jones if I could write a quick note to the…

Making Diesel Fuel with Sun, Water, and CO2 Here is a company that claims it can make diesel fuel without using biomass. If they are…

Confirming Word

March 1, 2011 THE TRUMPET by BILL BURNS I am coming to you today as the wind, the water, the fire and as the rain -- a habitation of My glory, so that you will flourish in My…

The Earthquake Rose ten years ago

When the Olympia quake occurred ten years ago today, a pendulum swayed in the sand and produced a drawing of a rose. It made the news back then, but I have not mentioned it…

Christchurch Cathedral pictures before and after the earthquake Take note of the "spire of glory" (steeple).…

The Almond Rod Dream

From a reader. . . I went home for a three day weekend on Friday, February 18, so I didn’t read your almond blogs until the morning of February 22, hence my now enlightenment!…

US Corporation established 140 years ago

From a reader . . . "140 years ago on Feb 21, 1871, the 41 Congress passed the Act of 1871, which established the US corporation. This was the same day of the Christchurch quake.…

How America became a corporation

I had trouble posting this web link in Part 6 of The Almond Chronicles, so I am posting it separately here.

Are the dead conscious?

Recently I posted a link to a story of a boy who had a "near-death" experience. He says he went to heaven and saw Jesus and others. I have had some response from a few people who…

Boy Sees Jesus in near-death experience

Here's an 11-year-old boy who will not grow up to be an atheist. Not after seeing Jesus for himself. God is raising up a new generation of children for the time ahead.…