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Myths, Traditions, and Fake News

Greek and Roman Religion in the days of the apostles was based on myths that were told eloquently by Homer and other story-telling philosophers. No one believed those myths. Every…

History from the Reformation to the Present

The Reformation first secured a foothold in Germany and Holland. England was next, although at first this was motivated more by King Henry’s political dispute with the pope than…

Finishing what the Reformers started

One’s view of God affects one’s entire worldview, which affects culture and the world of ideas and beliefs. When the Bible began to be translated and printed for common usage, its…

The personal God of the Bible

An atheist cannot prove that God does not exist, so he accepts it by faith. He looks at nature and sees a chaotic, violent place ruled not by a moral principle but by the law of…

Man's Value is in the Image of God

One’s view of God as a personal or impersonal God affects one’s entire outlook on life, how one views his fellow man and their relationships, and ultimately one’s entire culture…

The Plan of Redemption

The first sin caused Adam to incur a debt that he could not pay. God was not taken by surprise, of course, so the plan of redemption from debt had already been established. The…

Seeking unity without love

One’s worldview of the universe and of man himself will determine the solution to the problems of pain, sin and evil, and the one’s proposed solution (salvation). Of course,…

Adopting a Kingdom worldview

The Greek philosopher, Plato, taught that man does not create anything but simply makes copies of reality. Reality, to him, was the world of ideas, rather than substance. The…

What is man?

After David fought and killed Goliath at the young age of 18, he must have understood that this experience set a prophetic pattern for the overcomers who ultimately were to subdue…

What is truth?

When Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?” (John 18:38), it showed his familiarity with philosophy. By his day Greek philosophers had practically abandoned the idea that ultimate…

Competing Paths of Liberty

The Age of Faith, according to Will Durant in his series in The Story of Civilization, began with the Emperor Constantine and that it lasted until the death of Dante in…

Our concept of God determines our actions

When God created the earth, the sons of God sang with joy. In biblical thought the act of creation was a joyous event proceeding out of a God of Love. In the beginning all things…

Obtaining the Knowledge of God

When men deny the foundation truth that God created the heavens and the earth, all sorts of mischief follows. In ancient times, the Greeks and others believed that spirit was…

The heart of a beast

In Daniel 4:25 and 32 we read a prophecy that the king of Babylon would dwell with “the beasts of the field” and “given grass to eat.” In other words, he would identify with…

Kingdom Immigration Principles

Now that the midterm elections are drawing near, and people believe that the future of the nation and the world hang in the balance, the contest/war is getting quite hot. People…

Different anointings for different people

Hurricane Michael has strengthened considerably to 140 mph winds and is now a Category 4 storm. It may possibly strengthen further before it hits land.…

Hope for the world

Having sent out the October bulletin a few days ago, I finished up the study on Amos. It only took 15 months! Now I have to go through it again carefully and format it into…

Sovereignty and Fate

Last night was unusually active, spiritually speaking. As I was drifting to sleep, God began to talk to me about the difference between His sovereignty and men’s views about fate.…

God's Labor Laws, final

As the Creator, God is the owner of all land and has always retained the right to regulate its use. God did not sell any of His land to anyone. When He gave the land to the…

God's Labor Laws,part 7

Biblical usury does not have the same definition as in modern times. Today, “usury” is charging more interest than is allowable by man’s law. Biblical usury is all interest. The…