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Spiritual male and female, part 4

My study of the law in 1979 brought me to see that marriage was based on the law of the double witness by which all things are established (Deuteronomy 17:6; 19:15). One cannot…

Spiritual male and female, part 3

I began to receive revelation at the time of the 120th Jubilee from Adam (1986-1987) that I would be unable to fulfill my calling without a wife who could hear God’s voice. At the…

Spiritual male and female, part 2

It is self-evident to biblical Christians that it takes two parents, male and female, to produce a child. The world is trying desperately to change that natural law, claiming that…

Spiritual male and female, part 1

Paul says in Galatians 3:28, 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. It…

The importance of Family

The family is the foundation of a nation. The strength of a nation is ultimately measured by what is “normal” in its families, rather than in its military strength. The happiness…

The Church's Red Sea Crossing

Corruption is very expensive. Not only does corruption raise the cost of justice by adding bribes to the mix but it also creates the need for security measures. Until recently (in…

Babylon is dead

During the 60’s revolution, it was often argued that government should not try to legislate morality. This was used as an excuse to allow immorality, then legalizing it, then…

The wall of the New Jerusalem

Pope Francis has often come out in support of unlimited immigration into Europe and North America on the grounds that Europe needs more people to have a viable economy and that…

New Covenant things to know

The 116th congress will be seated today, signaling the start of a new chapter in American politics. We have a watch date of January 5 but have not narrowed down the area to…

The Feast of the Holy Innocents

Yesterday in the West and today in the East are widely commemorated as the “Feast of the Holy Innocents.” We…

The Gospel of Jerusalem

When Scripture talks about the Bride of Christ, some say this is the church, while others say it is Israel. Those who say it is Israel are divided according to who they think…

A Biblical View of Globalism and Nationalism, part 3

God has always revealed His goals from the beginning, but He seldom (if ever) reaches His goal in a single step. He created Time as a staircase with major resting places along the…

A Biblical View of Globalism and Nationalism, part 2

God created families, which grew into tribes, and tribes became nations. God deals directly with these groups, even as He deals directly with individuals. Certain men and women…

A Biblical view of Globalism and Nationalism, part 1

The conflict between Globalism vs. Nationalism is not new, but it now appears to be coming to a climax. Therefore, it is necessary to know how the Bible views this issue, so that…

Moving from Slavery to Sonship

One of the most remarkable aspects of universal truth is that it is applicable on so many levels. The principle of unity in marriage, for instance, is also the principle of divine…

Revising the Dispensationalist Ages

The Dispensationalists in the 1800’s divided time into the following ages: 1. Innocence - Adam 2. Conscience - After man sinned, up to Noah’s flood 3. Government - After the…

God's Governmental Ages

When Darby developed his idea of Dispensationalism in the 1850’s, he seemed to know little or nothing about the feast of Tabernacles. For this reason, his idea of the “rapture”…

The Dispensational view of the Ages

Having laid out the panorama of history, let us look at the broad structure of the ages within that big picture. During the Dark Ages, when Scripture was hidden from most…

The meaning of Cursed Time

As I drove home from the office last evening, it occurred to me that I ought to explain further the principle of Cursed Time, because it is easily misunderstood. I understand…

The panorama of God's Plan

The purpose of God in creating the universe was to extend His Kingdom beyond the spiritual dimension into a realm of matter. Genesis 1:1, in fact, provides us with the known…