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God's Labor Laws, part 6

We have already shown the connection between labor and property. The purpose of labor is to increase wealth. Labor not only increases one’s personal wealth but also increases the…

God's Labor Laws, part 5

We live today at the end of an age—actually, the end of multiple ages, each varying in length, yet ending together. The short, final era is that which is described in Revelation…

God's Labor Laws, part 4

Because most people are used to defining terms by the traditions of men, it takes some study and a change of culture to learn how to function in a Kingdom setting. Ancient Israel…

God's Labor Laws, part 3

God’s labor created matter out of Himself, for Romans 11:36 reads in The Emphatic Diaglott, 36 Because out of Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To Him be the glory…

God's Labor Laws, part 2

The eighth commandment says, “You shall not steal” (Deuteronomy 5:19). It is based on the idea that a man has the right to own that which his labor has produced and that no one…

God's Labor Laws, part 1

One of the most basic laws of nature is the Law of Labor. This was discovered and developed during the Protestant Reformation a few hundred years ago, and it became the foundation…

Biblical freedom of speech and standards of truth

In regard to freedom of speech, there is a difference between men’s laws and God’s laws. The US constitution, as historically interpreted, allows men to have and express false…

What is religious freedom?

It is being reported that China once again is demolishing Christian churches, even though their constitution (since 1982) provides for religious freedom.…

The power of mystery

Other than the timing of the manifestation, the difference between Babylon and Mystery Babylon is the “mystery” factor. Babylon was clearly seen as an empire. Mystery Babylon was…

Church and State--How separate should they be?

The secularization of America officially began in the 1930’s in the guise of the need for a separation of church and state. The real motive was to usurp the place of God and give…

God's merciful judgments

I have written often about the mercy of God that is evident in His judgments. In fact, mercy itself implies some form of deserved judgment that is being handled, well, mercifully.…

Ministry Update and Vision for the Future

I need to give you an update on the progress of our ministry itself. This week we have completed construction on our video studio. When we get the computer ready and can both…

The Hundred-Year Extension of Captivity

When Jerusalem was captured in 604 B.C., it started a 70-year captivity to Babylon that finally ended in 534 B.C. with the decree of Cyrus that allowed the people to return to the…

From Moses to Joshua

The transition from Moses to Joshua, when applied to us (the body of Christ) can be viewed prophetically as the sons of God being brought to birth. God called Israel a “son” in…

What is the revelation of the coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

With every major revival in past history has come a particular revelation that has been driven home by the workings of the Holy Spirit. With Martin Luther (1517) it was…

Let go of Esau's heel

Jacob and Esau were twins. They seemed to fight each other while yet in the womb (Genesis 25:22, 23). Genesis 25:24-26 says, 24 When her days to be delivered were fulfilled,…

A voice from the grave

A few days ago, I wrote about the three days from June 29 to July 1, which is a type of death and resurrection cycle. Because it stands between the wave-sheaf offering and the…

The Revelation of Kingdom Calendars, part 2

It took 50 Jubilees (from Adam to Moses) for God to prepare the earth for the seed of Abraham to inherit the Kingdom. On the 50th Jubilee, however, most of the people were…

The Revelation of Kingdom Calendars, part 1

I studied the chronology of history from Adam to the present back in 1991, using the book of Jasher to help bridge two unclear spots in the Bible. Being aware of Jubilee cycles, I…

Second Corinthians, chapter 13, final

In 2 Corinthians 13:3 Paul was speaking to his opponents who sought proof that Christ was indeed speaking through Paul. He then says in 2 Corinthians 13:4, 4 For indeed He was…