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The Angel of Hastening Hope

The overcomers in Revelation 14:1-5 are the saints of the Most High who are to be given the dominion when the time of the little horn ends, as Daniel 7:21, 22 tells us. In the…

The 144,000, part 2 (final)

The number 288 is associated in the Bible with the overcomers in various ways. In Leviticus 19:20, the Hebrew word charaph (“betrothed”) has a numeric value of 288. This suggests…

The 144,000, part 1

Revelation 13 gave us a broad sketch of prophetic history. The first beast covered 42 prophetic months (1,260 years), primarily from 529-1789 A.D. Then the second beast overthrew…

The number 666, final

Once we understand the historical connection between modern banking, its money and the mark of the beast, we can see how the “image” has usurped the place of the real and is in…

The number 666, part 2

In the biblical story of David and Goliath, we understand that Goliath was, as it were, larger than life. That is, he was more than just an individual. He was a prophetic type…

The number 666, part 1

Revelation 13:18 says, 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of that beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and…

The mark of the beast

The beast from the earth, John prophesied, would be characterized by two notable things. First is the misuse of nature, or more specifically, weaponizing nature (atoms) for the…

The New Kingdom Order

There is a New Kingdom Order coming soon. The nations in 1815 set up a New European Order which, by contract, lasted 99 years. The nations in 1919 set up a New World contract…

Authority and Accountability

It is a principle of divine law that authority and accountability (or liability) come in equal measure. If someone is given authority, then he is accountable to God for the way…

The Guardians of Papal Treasure

For four decades, as I studied the power structure of the modern beast, I noted that historians differed in their opinion as to who actually was in control of the present system.…

The beast from the earth, part 1

Revelation 13:11, 12 says, 11 And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the…

The Equal Justice of God

The section about the beast of the sea closes with Revelation 13:10, saying, 10 If anyone is destined for captivity, to captivity he goes; if anyone kills with the sword, with…

The beast from the sea, part 2

Blasphemy is understood differently by different groups. In Scripture, the temple priests condemned Jesus on a charge of blasphemy (Matthew 26:65). At the time, Saul (later Paul)…

The beast from the sea, part 1

We have shown how the last few verses of Revelation 12 introduce chapter 13. The water coming from the serpent’s mouth in Revelation 12:15 is directly connected to the “sea” that…

Two wings of the great eagle

In Revelation 12:14 we read that “two wings of a great eagle were given to the woman” so that she could fly into the wilderness for her protection. This is a rather obvious…

In the Wilderness

Revelation 12:13, 14 says, 13 And when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child. 14 And the two wings of the…

The persecution on earth

The divine court has always included a prosecutor and a defense attorney. The prosecutor is known as the devil—that is, the Accuser. The Greek word for devil is diabolos, from dia…

The accuser thrown out of court

Revelation 12:7, 8 says, 7 And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. And the dragon and his angels waged war, 8 and they were not strong…

The woman in the wilderness, part 2

The prophecy of the woman in the wilderness serves two main purposes. First, it presents her as the mother of Jesus Christ, who was destined to be the King of all nations.…

The woman in the wilderness

The signs in the heavens depict many snapshots of the gospel message and prophecies of conflict between Christ and His enemies. Each sign reveals a different aspect of the story.…