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The sign of the dragon

The seventh angel in Revelation 11:15 announced the Kingdom and the rule of Jesus Christ, even though it had not yet become an accomplished fact. From this we see that the sign of…

The woman and her son

When the temple in heaven was opened, thunder, lightning, hail, an earthquake, and a sign in heaven were all seen as a result. The sign was that of Virgo bringing forth a son and…

The heavenly temple opened

When the seventh angel blew his trumpet in Revelation 11:15, we are given immediately a picture of the end (or result), even though all of those events have yet to be worked out…

The seventh angel

Revelation 11:14 tells us, 14 The second woe is past; behold, the third woe is coming quickly. Recall that the first woe, brought in by the fifth angel in Revelation 9:1, was…

Resurrection and Ascension

The timing of prophecy is often complex, especially in long-term prophecy, because there is usually more than one beginning point and therefore also more than one end point. God…

The beast that wages war

The two witnesses in Revelation 11, as far as their ministries are concerned, are pictured in terms of Moses and Elijah. Zechariah, however, shows them to be Zerubbabel the…

The two witnesses, part 3

John pictures the two witnesses in terms of Moses and Elijah, who represent the law and the prophets, civil and priestly authority, and the Dominion Mandate and the Fruitfulness…

The two witnesses, part 2

The two witnesses in Revelation 11:4 are described as being two olive trees and two lampstands, in order to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah 4:11. They are filled with the Spirit…

The two witnesses, part 1

In Revelation 11:3, 4 we read, 3 And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 These are the…

The Two Cities

We have shown that the spiritual maturity of “those who worship” (Revelation 11:1) in the temple of God is in terms of Sabbaths, Jubilees, and feast days. In the “old standard”…

Comparing the two temples

The key given to us in Revelation 11:1, 2 is the fact that a reed of 42 handbreadths is equal to 42 months of time. That means each handbreadth is the equivalent of one month.…

The temple

The ninth chapter of Revelation covered the rise of Islam from 612-1453, along with the fall of the Constantinople and the Eastern Roman Empire. These are the first two “woes” of…

The word turns bitter

Chapter 10 of Revelation prophesies of the strong angel giving to John an open book, which he was to “eat” so that he could prophesy and preach it to all nations. Revelation…

The seven thunders

When the little book is opened, the seven thunders reveal its message. Revelation 10:3 says, 3 and he [the strong angel of verse 1] cried out with a loud voice, as when a lion…

The little book, part 2

As we have already shown, there were two important events that occurred at the end of the second woe. The first was the printing of the Gutenberg Bible in 1452. The second was the…

The little book, part 1

The lack of repentance in the church remained throughout the entire time of the first two woes until the city of Constantinople fell in 1453. We would have expected no less, since…

Quote from Genghis Khan

“I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”…

Advanced Study: The Mongol Empire in Prophecy

Last night the four angels who are assigned to keep me in line showed up and gave me an advanced course on prophecy, taking me down the prophetic “rabbit hole” further than I had…

The Church refuses to repent

Revelation 9:20, 21 concludes the second woe, saying, 20 And the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, so as not to…

The second woe (1063-1453)

Revelation 9 speaks of three “woes,” all of them having to do with Islam which God raised up to judge the church for its refusal to repent. The first woe came through the…