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The first woe (612-762 A.D.)

Mohammed began his mission in 612, but after ten years (in 622) he had to flee for his life from the city of Medina. The year 622 is called the hegira, and is the beginning date…

The star falling from heaven

After the first four angels sounded their trumpets, Revelation 8:13 says, 13 And I looked, and I heard an eagle flying in midheaven, saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe, to…

Going to Branson

Monday morning we will be leaving home and traveling to Branson, MO for the conference next week end. I do not expect to write any weblogs while we are gone, unless something…

Why is today "Easter"?

The Jewish Passover falls on April 22 this year, and the wave-sheaf offering on Sunday, April 24. However, the church's "Easter" is today, March 27. Why is there is…

Saint Patrick saves civilization

Rome had virtually abandoned Britain in 410 when its troops were needed to defend Rome against Alaric the Goth. Britain was left undefended, and this gave rise to Irish raiders,…

The fourth trumpet

When Attila died in 453, his empire crumbled, and the nations he had conquered regained their independence. His third-trumpet judgment was temporary in order to give the Christian…

The third trumpet

So far we have discussed the first two trumpets which brought invasions upon the Western Roman Empire from 410-460 A.D. These trumpets were the word of divine judgment embodied by…

The second trumpet

Revelation 8:8, 9 says, 8 And the second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood; 9 and…

The first trumpet

The seven trumpets send forth commands from the divine court to bring judgment upon the iron beast foretold by Daniel. The first four trumpets overthrow the Western Roman Empire…

The eight angels

The half hour of silence in Revelation 8:1 was a 15-year time period from 395-410 A.D. It began with the legal end of pagan sacrifice, the confiscation of the pagan temples, and…

A half hour of silence

The first four seals in the book of Revelation followed a general time line of history in the first few centuries. The fifth and sixth are different in that each casts an eye…

Song of the Twelve Tribes

Dave Dixon wrote a song based on the meaning of the names of the twelve tribes listed in Revelation 7. Here is it. prophetic…

The great multitude

After the 144,000 were sealed, John saw a great multitude praising God. This is the same multitude that he had seen earlier in Revelation 5:13. He sees the future, where all of…

The sealing, part 3

John says that he “heard the number of those who were sealed,” and that they numbered 144,000. As for the tribal listing, we find that Dan was omitted but replaced by Levi, which,…

The sealing, part 2

Revelation 7:4 says, 4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel. After this, John…

The sealing, part 1

The sixth seal, as we have seen, starts with the martyrdom and persecution of the saints and ends with “the great day of their wrath” (Revelation 6:17). This day of “wrath” is…

The sixth seal, Part 3

More than a month ago we left off with Revelation 6:14, which speaks of the “scroll” of the word being rolled up, implying that the revelation was sealed up. While no seal is…

The sixth seal, Part 2

The judgment upon the kings and other great men of the earth at the end of Revelation 6 is referring to specific events that occurred in the early fourth century. Though the basic…

The sixth seal, Part 1

We now come to the sixth seal, which speaks of divine judgment upon the Roman Empire, which began in 310 A.D. when Constantine became Emperor. Revelation 6:12 says, 12 And I…

The martyrs' reward

In Revelation 6:10 the souls under the altar seem to complain that God was not avenging their murder soon enough. But this is a misperception. Their complaint was that God was not…