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The Jubilee Declaration

Today is the Jubilee for the overcomers and the Day of Atonement for others. In Numbers 13, the twelve spies gave their report on this day. They were supposed to blow the…

Remarkable Time Cycles of Daniel

Please Note: This blog replaces the September 11th blog post, "Cycles of Desolation" Daniel 12:11, 12 says, 11 And from the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished, and…

Comments on Finishing Daniel

It is always nice to finish a project. Having finished the first draft (weblogs) of our study in the book of Daniel, I will have to go through it again and smooth out some of the…

Daniel 12: Cycle of Blessing

The angelic revelation concludes in Daniel 12:12, 12 How blessed is he who keeps waiting and attains to the 1,335 days. No explanation is given for this time cycle. We are…

Daniel 12: Purifying the overcomers

The two cycles of 1,260 years (2,520 total) are coming to an end from 2014-2017. The midpoint was 754 A.D. when the little horn was given power to rule the Papal States. When…

Daniel 12: Final Timing Revelation, Part 1

The angel concludes his message to the prophet in Daniel 12:4, saying, 4 But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time [eth]; many will…

Daniel 12: Resurrection revelation

We have seen how the time of distress, or tribulation, has occurred more than once in past history, each with its own manifestation of antichrist along with a betrayer. There…

Daniel 12: Michael's work

There are three or four main biblical patterns that prophesy to us about tribulation that is caused by the rise of antichrist. The first is when Absalom usurped the throne of…

Daniel 12: Michael rising

Originally, the Scriptures were not divided into chapters and verses. While it appears that Daniel 12 moves on to a different topic, it is actually a continuation of the previous…

The End of Antichrist

The actions of Antiochus Epiphanes receive the most attention from the angel in his prophetic message in Daniel 11. Daniel 11:36 continues, 36 Then the king will do as he…

The Maccabean Revolt

When Antiochus Epiphanes set up the abomination of desolation in the temple in Jerusalem in 166 B.C., he also banned God’s law and executed anyone who owned a copy of it. He…

Greek influence in later history

The desecration of the temple, described in Daniel 11:31, was referenced earlier in Daniel 8:9-14. There it is given as the main feature of the “small horn” (or inferior horn)…

Daniel 11: Desecrating the Temple

The ships of Kittim (Cyprus) carried the Roman army, along with their ambassador to Egypt, who to told Antiochus to give up its conquest in Egypt. Antiochus complied with the…

Daniel 11: Plundering Jerusalem and the Temple

The Treaty of Apamea, which ended the war between Rome and Syria in 188 B.C., required that the Syrian king provide hostages to ensure the peace. One of the hostages was the…

Daniel 11: Antiochus and Seleucus

The terminology used in Daniel 11:15, 16 to describe the Syrian invasion of Egypt—and especially Judea—reveals a (counterfeit) parallel to Joshua’s invasion of Canaan. Joshua had…

Daniel 11: The Battle of Paneas

Antiochus III, the king of the north, was defeated at Raphia in 217 B.C. and thereby lost control of Judea. For the next twenty years Judea was controlled by Egypt. But when the…

Daniel 11: The Fourth Syrian War

Daniel 11:7 (NASB) reads, 7 But one of the descendants of her line will arise in his place, and he will come against their army and enter the fortress of the king of the North,…

Daniel 11: The rise of the third beast

The angel’s information about the second beast (Persia) was very brief. It appears that his main message was to inform Daniel of the third beast (Greece). As we have seen, the…

Daniel 11, The Persian king who aroused Greece

In our study of the book of Daniel, we left off in the early verses of chapter 11. Chapter 10 focuses upon the manner in which the angelic message came—the opposition from the…

Daniel 11: The Prince of Greece and the Angel of Truth

In Daniel 8:21 Gabriel told Daniel that the kingdom of Greece was to arise and conquer Persia in the centuries ahead. But it was left to Peniel in Daniel 10:20 to tell the prophet…