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Daniel 8: Gabriel's Explanation

Daniel 8: 13, 14 says, 13 Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to that particular one who was speaking, “How long will the vision about the regular…

Daniel 8: The inferior horn of the goat

Daniel says that the great horn (Alexander) would be broken, and that four other horns would rise up in its place. These were Alexander’s four generals, who divided up the Greek…

Daniel 8: The Vision of the Ram and Goat, Part 1

Daniel himself makes it clear that his two visions in chapters 7 and 8 are linked in some way. They occurred two years apart, the first vision seen in the first year of Belshazzar…

Daniel 7: The Angelic Explanation, Part 3

The Donation of Pepin Pope Stephen III called on Pepin the Short to help him overcome the Lombards who were in control of Italy in 750 A.D. It was the first time that a Roman…

Daniel 7: The Angelic Explanation, Part 2

In Daniel 7:19-22 the prophet “desired to know” more about the fourth beast and its horns, by which it waged “war with the saints” until the Dominion Mandate was passed to the…

Daniel 7: The Angelic Explanation, Part 1

When Daniel finished relating his vision to his audience, he then continued to tell the audience about his conversation with an angel. Daniel had many questions about the meaning…

Daniel 7: The vision of the four beasts, Final

Daniel 7:13, 14 says, 13 I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, and He came up to the Ancient of Days and…

Daniel 7: The Vision of the Four Beasts, Part 5

In Daniel 7:10 the prophet saw the divine court of heaven judging all men. “The court sat, and the books were opened,” he says. John enlarged upon this later in Revelation…

Daniel 7: The Vision of the Four Beasts, Part 4

Daniel’s explanation of his vision of the four beasts shows the fourth beast having ten horns (kingdoms), plus a little horn that succeeds in plucking up three of them and setting…

Daniel 7: The Vision of the Four Beasts, Part 3

The Ostrogoths Overthrown in 553 In 534, when the General Belisarius returned triumphant to Constantinople from his successful African campaign, he was given a Roman Triumph in…

Daniel 7: The Vision of the Four Beasts, Part 2

The Fourth Beast: Rome The fourth beast correlates with the iron legs and feet in Daniel 2:33. Daniel 7:7 says, 7 After this I kept looking in the night visions, and behold,…

Daniel 7: The Vision of the Four Beasts, Part 1

The last half of the book of Daniel (chapters 7-12) are the visions and revelations of the prophet regarding the times of the Gentiles (nations). His view spans history from the…

Wisdom From an Elder

Robert Henley recently posted an interview with Brian Williams, who is an evangelist friend (now retired) that we met in 1999. He lives in Glastonbury, England. Brian spoke at…

Daniel 6: Supplement and final thoughts

In my study of Daniel 6, I wrote about the first and second work of Christ and how the first was a “death” work, while the second is a “living” work. The time in which we live…

Daniel 6: Darius puts all things under the feet of Christ

Daniel survived his night with the lions. At this point in his life he was fulfilling the role of an overcomer in the time of the second work of Christ. In the first few centuries…

The lions' den

After King Darius realized that he had been tricked into signing a decree that would condemn Daniel, he set about trying to find a lawful way to exonerate the prophet. However, he…

Daniel 6: The plot against Daniel

The structure of the book of Daniel is laid out in a typical Hebrew chiasm, or reverse parallelism, where the chapters move to a climax and then back out in a reverse pattern. The…

Daniel 6: Reorganizing the Kingdom

Daniel 6 is the last of the historical chapters. While Daniel 5 tells us of the fall of Babylon, Daniel 6 tells us how Darius the Mede reorganized the old world order into the new…

Is God under the law?

To be “under the law” means that the law is holding someone accountable as a debtor. Such accountability can be caused by a sin committed against one’s neighbor or by accidental…

Daniel 5: Interpreting the Inscription

After Daniel’s lengthy rebuke directed at King Belshazzar for his refusal to learn the lesson that King Nebuchadnezzar had been taught, we read in Daniel 5:24-28, 24 Then the…