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Daniel 11: Peniel fortifies Michael

Daniel 11:1 (NASB) reads, 1 And in the first year of Darius the Mede, I arose to be an encouragement and a protection for him. This verse properly belongs at the end of…

Daniel 10: Of Spiritual Princes

At the end of Daniel 10, Peniel told the prophet that he had to return shortly to fight the prince of Persia and that the prince of Greece was soon to come. All things happen in…

Daniel 10: The Long War

The entire tenth chapter of Daniel is taken up by the background and setting for the revelation in the next two chapters. Daniel fasted 21 days before the angel Peniel was able to…

Daniel 10: Daniel's interaction with the angels

After the angel explained his delayed message, we read in Daniel 10:15, 15 And when he had spoken these words, I turned my face towards the ground and became speechless [alam,…

Daniel 10: Explaining the delay

After the angel revived the old prophet enough to raise himself to his hands and knees, we read in Daniel 10:11, 11 And he said to me, “O Daniel, man of high esteem, understand…

Daniel 10: The 21-day fast

The tenth chapter of Daniel records a vision and revelation that the prophet received during the third year of Cyrus. Daniel 10:1 begins by saying, 1 In the third year of Cyrus…

Daniel 9: From Nehemiah to Paul

We have already shown how the seventy weeks began with the decree of Artaxerxes in 458 B.C. This was the king’s seventh year, and his decree is recorded in Ezra 6:11-26. But the…

Daniel 9: The Desolation of Jerusalem

We tend to view the revelation given to Daniel through our own lens. We have an advantage over Daniel, because we live 2,600 years later. We can look back on Christ’s first coming…

Daniel 9: Daniel's Seventy Weeks, Part 8

Daniel 9:27 speaks of the final “week” in which the Messiah would make a covenant with “the many.” We then learn that “in the middle of the week He will put a stop to sacrifice…

Daniel 9: Daniel's Seventy Weeks, Part 7

Prophecy is a preview of history. History records the fulfillment of prophecy, assuming, of course, that the histories have been recorded accurately. When we look at the end of…

Daniel 9: Daniel's Seventy Weeks, Part 6

The last half of Daniel 9:25 tells us that the seventy weeks was subdivided into three sections: seven, sixty-two, and one week. Gabriel gave no explanation for this. The first…

Daniel 9: Daniel's Seventy Weeks, Part 5

The prophecy of the seventy weeks leading to the Messiah is one of the most important prophecies in the word of God. While this prophecy may not contribute to the development of…

Daniel 9: Daniel's Seventy Weeks, Part 4

When we study Daniel 9:24, it can be seen quite clearly that the purpose of this time frame is to bring us to Christ’s work that was accomplished on the cross. This might be…

Daniel 9: Daniel's Seventy Weeks, Part 3

God determined in the divine court that it would take seventy weeks of years to accomplish five things. We have already covered the first three. The fourth is “to bring in…

Daniel 9: Daniel's Seventy Weeks, Part 2

Daniel 9:24 says that “seventy weeks have been decreed.” The Hebrew word for “decreed” is chathak, which means “to decree, to determine, to mark out, cut or divide.” This is the…

Daniel 9: Daniel's Seventy Weeks, Part 1

Daniel’s confession was an appeal to the divine court to bring an end to Judah’s captivity. Thus, while he was praying, Gabriel was sent to answer his prayer and to give the…

Daniel 9: Daniel's Intercession, Final

Daniel 9:15, 16 says, 15 And now, O Lord our God, who hast brought Thy people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand and hast made a name for Thyself, as it is this day—we…

Daniel 9: Daniel's Intercession, Part 2

The prophet continues his prayer of repentance in Daniel 9:9, 10, saying, 9 To the Lord our God belong compassion [racham] and forgiveness [seleekhaw], for we have rebelled…

Daniel 9: Daniel's Intercession, Part 1

When the appointed time came for Judah’s deliverance, Daniel fulfilled his calling as a prophet and as an intercessor for Judah by repenting on their behalf. Daniel 9:4 begins,…

Daniel 9: Introduction

In our outline for the book of Daniel, the ninth chapter to the end of the book (A) correlates with the first chapter (A). Chapter one was about the captivity of Judah, and…