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Luke 11:1 reads, 1 And it came about that while He was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray just as John…

How your three minds work for you, Final

One of the big problems in spiritual life is heart idolatry. In the beginning, we are born wired to love, but if we do not feel loved (especially in the earliest months) we are…

How your three minds work for you, Part 2

The Law of Entanglement shows that we are all interconnected in ways that most of us do not understand nor even believe. Dr. Carolyn Leaf tells of a scientific experiment showing…

How your three minds work for you, Part 1

It seems that most people are of the opinion that they have just one mind. Unless, of course, they are schizophrenic. The probable reason behind this strange opinion is that the…

The ten laws governing prayer, Final

Law 9: You shall not bear false witness This law governs all conversation and prophecy in daily life. The primary application is that in daily life we are not to misrepresent…

The ten laws governing prayer, Part 2

Law 7: You shall not commit adultery When law 7 is applied to prayer, we must note the spiritual application of this law. It refers to spiritual adultery, seen in Israel’s…

Ten laws governing prayer

The Ten Commandments govern all of our actions and define how to love God and our neighbor. These also give us the basic guidelines to prayer. Law 1: You shall have no other…

The army of locusts

Revelation 9 speaks of the prophetic “locusts” rising from the abyss. In the sequence of John’s prophecy, this is typical Hebrew pictorial language describing invading armies of…

The Three Divisions of the Old Testament

The following is taken from Alan Newton’s unfinished book: The Spirit of God versus The Religion of Man  The Hebrew word used by Judaism to refer to these ancient “biblical”…

Hebrew is a verb-based language

Hebrew, as a language, is a verb-based language.  When I was first confronted with this understanding, every concept in the Scriptures began to communicate a whole new dimension…

Lessons from the Past, Part 3

When the war against the little horn began in 1981, very little of it made sense to me—or even to my main adversary. We were both thinking too carnally, and neither of us had any…

Lessons from the Past, Part 2

When God first conscripted me for spiritual warfare, I was totally unaware of what was happening. I knew virtually nothing of spiritual warfare, except for what I had read in…

Lessons from the Past, Part 1

In the first chapter of The Wars of the Lord, I told how our Heavenly Father called me out of my own church and conscripted me to do spiritual warfare against the “Broken Cross…

Who are the saints that are given the Kingdom? Part 2

I have shown earlier (and in many writings) that Christ came the first time of the tribe of Judah, but He comes the second time as the Heir of Joseph with His robe dipped in blood…

Who are the saints that are given the Kingdom? Part 1

We are fast approaching the day when the dominion mandate will be given to “the saints of the Most High” (Daniel 7:22). Who are they? Who will rule in the age to come? Division…

A lesson on priorities

Luke 10:38, 39 says, 38 Now as they were traveling along, He entered a certain village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. 39 And she had a sister called…

The Good Samaritan, Part 2

In response to the lawyer’s question, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus did not answer directly but told a parable. It is written in Greek yet in the style of Hebrew parallelism. A1.…

The Good Samaritan, Part 1

After concluding the account of the seventy, Luke turns the page and focuses upon the reception of the word. First, he relates the story of the Good Samaritan in order to expose…

The seventy return with a good report

The seventy disciples, who were sent out as apostles, returned with a good report. Luke 10:17-20 says, 17 And the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are…

Jesus' instructions to the Seventy Apostles, Part 3

Luke 10:16 concludes Jesus’ instructions to the seventy, saying, 16 The one who listens to you listens to Me, and the one who rejects you rejects Me; and he who rejects Me…