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Jesus' instructions to the Seventy Apostles, Part 2

Luke 10:5 says, 5 And whatever house you enter, first say, “Peace be to this house.” This was the customary greeting (“Shalom!”). It invokes a blessing of peace, wholeness,…

Jesus' instructions to the Seventy Apostles, Part 1

Beginning in Luke 10:2, Jesus begins to instruct the seventy apostles in regard to their mission. Verse 1 said that Jesus “sent them” ahead of Him to prepare the way before Him.…

The Seventy

Luke 10:1 says, 1 Now after this the Lord appointed seventy others, and sent them two and two ahead of Him to every city and place where He Himself was going to come. Luke is…

Disqualifications for discipleship

The time was soon coming when Jesus would sent out the seventy disciples on a mission trip (Luke 10:1), even as He had sent out the twelve earlier. Though Jesus had chosen twelve…

Instructive illustrations about Kingdom authority

Jesus’ return from the Mount with the three chief disciples is a picture of Christ’s second coming with the manifested Sons of God. John tells us in Revelation 20:2 tells us,…

Authority and greatness in the Kingdom

While Jesus was dealing with the demoniac in Caesarea Philippi (and with the crowd itself), Jesus told His disciples to watch these events, because they were prophetic. However,…

Jesus returns to Caesarea Philippi

After Jesus’ transfiguration on Mount Hermon, we read in Luke 9:37, 37 And it came about on the next day, that when they had come down from the mountain, a great multitude met…

The Messiah's Sonship mission, Part 3

There is an interesting series of prophetic events leading to Jesus’ transfiguration. In the past I have called these the “steps toward transfiguration.” The full sequence is seen…

The Messiah's Sonship mission, Part 2

When we look at the sequence and flow of events leading up to Jesus’ transfiguration on Mount Hermon, we can begin to see the underlying prophetic pattern. The most obvious…

The Messiah's Sonship Mission, Part 1

After Luke establishes Jesus’ identity as the Messiah, he then focuses upon the Messiah’s mission. Luke 9:20-22 says, 20 And He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” And…

Misconceptions about Jesus' identity

It appears that the disciples’ mission trip brought the first news of Jesus to the ears of King Herod. John the Baptist had been beheaded recently, as we know, because Jesus…

The twelve disciples' mission trip

All of the gospel writers knew many stories of Jesus, but each chose the ones that they felt were important to their own audience. Matthew wrote to Jews of Judea, Mark to those…

Jesus heals two women

Gadara was located in the province of Perea, which was part of King Herod’s jurisdiction. The demoniac who was healed was told to remain there and to bear witness to God’s mercy…

The prophetic meaning of Gadarene and Gerasene

Yesterday’s study was interrupted by a 3 ½ hour lunch with friends. That is why it was posted late in the day. I also forgot to include an important detail about the Gadarene.…

The Gadarene Parable

In Luke 8:22-25 Jesus and His disciples crossed the stormy Sea of Galilee, going to the southern tip of the lake. The storm provided a lesson in faith for the disciples, not only…

A lesson in faith

In Luke 8:22 we read, 22 Now it came about on one of those days, that He and His disciples got into a boat, and He said to them, “Let us go over [dierchomai, “to pass through,…

The light and delight of truth

When the word truly lodges in our heart, it cannot be hidden, because it changes our lives. In the parable of the sower, those who receive the seed in good soil eventually bear…

Understanding the parable of the sower

Because the gospels tell us that crowds gathered to hear Jesus speak, we often assume that His words resulted in faith. Certainly, they believed the miracles that the saw.…

The women who supported Jesus' ministry

After Jesus’ mission trip to Nain, He apparently returned to the cities around the Sea of Galilee to continue preaching and teaching. Although He was probably most successful in…

Lessons from the Latter Rain Movement

Today is Valentine’s Day. On February 12-14, 1948 the Latter Rain outpouring of the Holy Spirit began at Sharon Bible School in North Battleford, Saskachewan (Canada). They were…