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Jesus chooses twelve disciples, Part 1

In Luke 6:1-11, we read that Jesus began to experience His first opposition from the scribes and Pharisees. The issue was how to interpret the law in regard to the Sabbath. He had…

The nations in prophecy, Part 4

As we strive to know the divine plan and to align ourselves with it, it is imperative that we understand Bible prophecy. Our view of prophecy will determine not only our beliefs…

The nations in prophecy, Part 3

A century ago, as the apparent end of the “seven times” of tribulation drew near, God poured out His Spirit in a renewal of Pentecost. I have been told that some of the great…

The nations in prophecy, Part 2

The year 1492 was a pivot point in prophetic history. It provided the dispersed ex-Israelites (God’s ex-wife) with an opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission by using the…

The nations in prophecy, Part 1

When God divorced Israel and sent His ex-wife out of the house, did the nation of Israel have any further role to play in the divine plan? Most certainly they did, and their…

Having a covenant relationship with God

My recent postings showing that Israel is a nation rather than a race per se has caused some to say that I hate racial Israelites. In past years I was accused of hating Jews just…

Doing good on the Sabbath

Luke 6:6-11 records a second Sabbath incident, this time revealing how the scribes and Pharisees misunderstood the whole purpose of the Sabbath commandment. The first incident, of…

On being Lord of the Sabbath

I have heard some say that Jesus broke the law, and they point to the Sabbath incidents in the New Testament as proof. Their motive is to try to prove that Jesus put away the law.…

Old and new garments and wineskins

In Luke 5:36-39 Jesus told another parable: 36 And He was also telling them a parable: “No one tears a piece from a new garment and puts it on an old garment; otherwise he will…

Fasting when the bridegroom is absent

In Luke 5:33 Luke begins to record a series of Jesus’ teachings that differed from the common religious view of the day. The first topic is that of fasting. 33 And they said to…

Preparing for the Overcoming Resistance Prayer Campaign

As we approach this prayer campaign, it is comforting to know (as always) that as long as we are led by the Spirit, we will always be victorious. Our victory is based upon the…

Levi gets a new career

Luke’s underlying purpose in writing his gospel was to present Christ as the Son of Man and to show that the gospel was for all equally. For this reason, he presents both men and…

The power of the Son of Man to forgive sin

After Jesus healed the leper, we read in Luke 5:15, 16, 15 But the news about Him was spreading even farther, and great multitudes were gathering to hear Him and to be healed of…

Jesus heals a leper

After prophesying through the sign of the multiplication of fish, Jesus then healed a leper in Luke 5:12-14, 12 And it came about that while He was in one of the cities, behold,…

Jesus launches a greater ministry

Jesus not only preached in Galilee, but also in the towns of Judea. Luke 4:42-44 says, 42 And when day came, He departed and went to a lonely place; and the multitudes were…

Jesus begins to minister at Capernaum

Jesus’ narrow escape from Nazareth made it virtually impossible for Him to live there any longer. His universal and impartial application of the law made Him a target for…

The inauguration of Jesus' ministry, Part 2

The mission of Jesus was prophesied in Isaiah 61:1, 2. Luke records it in the Greek language, but the thought patterns are Hebrew. Furthermore, Jesus offered His own…

The inauguration of Jesus' ministry, Part 1

Luke 4:14-15 says, 14 And Jesus returned [hupostrepho, “under a revolutionary turn”] to Galilee in the power of the Spirit; and news about Him spread through all the surrounding…

Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, Part 5

Luke records Jesus’ third temptation in the wilderness in Luke 4:9-11, 9 And he led Him to Jerusalem and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You…

Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, Part 4

The second and third temptations of Jesus are given in different orders in Matthew and Luke. Matthew 4:5 records the second temptation as the occasion when the devil took Jesus to…