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Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, Part 3

The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness proved that He was an overcomer prior to the launching of His ministry on earth. This forty-day period followed the pattern of both Moses…

Dealing with divine judgments

There are two common natural responses to divine judgments: First, we may deny that these come from God, either by attributing them to blind natural forces, or by attributing…

Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, Part 2

Luke 4 tells us of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. In our first part, I showed how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies in the law regarding the two goats in Leviticus 16. He was…

Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, Part 1

Luke 4 begins, saying, 1 And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led about by the Spirit in the wilderness 2 for forty days, being tempted by the…

Cainan in Jesus' genealogy

Opinions vary as to whether Luke gives Joseph’s or Mary’s genealogy. As I wrote previously, Eusebius, the bishop-historian of Caesarea, believed that Luke was writing about…

Genealogy of Jesus

Luke’s account of Jesus’ baptism presents Him as the divine Ambassador receiving His credentials from heaven to present to the embassy on earth. The legitimate high priest in the…

The Ministry of John the Baptist, Part 5

Luke tells us that John preached about many topics, but it is plain that Luke wanted to let us know that he prophesied specifically about the Holy Spirit. Luke 3:18 says, 18 So…

The Ministry of John the Baptist, Part 4

Luke tells us that John warned the nation of Judea that divine judgment was coming. In Luke 3:8 he debunked the common notion that their genealogical descent from Abraham would be…

The Ministry of John the Baptist, Part 3

Luke tells us the essence of John’s message of repentance in Luke 3:8, 9, 8 Therefore bring forth fruits in keeping with repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves, “We…

The Ministry of John the Baptist, Part 2

After dating the call of John, Luke then shows the nature of his calling. Luke 3:3-6 says, 3 And he came into all the district around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of…

The Ministry of John the Baptist, Part 1

In Luke 3:1, 2 we are given the date of the start of John’s ministry. 1 Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and…

The early wisdom of Jesus

After Simeon and Anna had borne witness to Jesus as a baby of forty days, Joseph and Mary returned to their home in Nazareth. Luke 2:39, 40 says, 39 And when they had performed…

Jesus' first forty days, Part 3, Anna and Samuel

Just as Simeon finished his prophecy over Jesus, an old woman named Anna came to prophesy as well. Luke 2:36-38 says, 36 And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of…

Jesus' first forty days, Part 2, Simeon's prophecy

Mary was taken to the temple on the fortieth day from Jesus’ birth to fulfill the requirements of the law. While she offered the two pigeons, an old man (perhaps a priest) saw…

Jesus' first forty days, Part 1

The shepherds went to the town of Bethlehem, obeying the word of the angels to go and witness the birth of “Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:15-18 says, 15 And it came about when the…

The Birth of Jesus, Part 3

Attending the actual birth of Jesus were the women of the house in which Joseph and Mary were guests. When the birth and cleanup were complete, the household would have returned.…

The Birth of Jesus, Part 2

After Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem, Jesus was born there just as the prophet Micah had foretold. Luke 2:6 and 7 says, 6 And it came about that while they were there, the…

The Birth of Jesus, Part 1

The last verse of Luke 1 says about John, 80 And the child continued to grow, and to become strong in spirit, and he lived in the deserts until the day of his public appearance…

The Birth of John, Part 2, Zacharias' Prophecy

Zacharias represented all of the deaf people of his day whose ears had been prevented from hearing the word of the Lord. This was a continuation of the condition in Moses’ day…

The Birth of John, Part 1

It appears that Elizabeth was in seclusion for the full nine months of her pregnancy. Luke 1:57, 58 says, 57 Now the time had come for Elizabeth to give birth, and she brought…