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Mary visits Elizabeth, Part 2

Mary’s Magnificat is in two sections. The first stanza is personal, the second is communal in Luke 1:50-55, A…And His mercy is upon generation after generation to those who…

Mary visits Elizabeth, Part 1

Not only did Gabriel tell Mary that she would conceive and bring forth the Son of the Most High—that is, the Messiah—but he also told her of Elizabeth’s pregnancy in her old age.…

Mary's Visitation, Part 4, Final

In Luke 1:34, Mary questioned the angel in regard to his announcement about her having a child: 34 And Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” The…

Mary's Visitation, Part 3

The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary in Luke 1:28 to tell her that she would give birth to the Messiah. We read there, 28 And coming in, he said to her, “Hail, favored one! The…

Mary's Visitation, Part 2

The angel Gabriel came to Mary in the first chapter of Luke to tell her that she had been chosen to bring forth the promised Messiah. Luke 1:27 tells us that she was a “virgin”…

Mary's Visitation, Part 1

After telling us of the circumstances of John’s conception, Luke then turns to the conception of Jesus. Luke 1:26, 27 says, 26 Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent…

The meaning of the Lamb of God

A friend sent me this, and I thought I would pass it on to you. I am back from the conference in Kansas City but do not have time today to give a report or to continue our regular…

Luke's account of Zacharias, Final

Zacharias’ angelic visitation no doubt was the occasion of many discussions in the temple for a long time. It is not clear how many details Zacharias told them, but they all had…

Luke's account of Zacharias, Part 2

When the angel appeared to Zacharias as he burned the incense in the temple, he was obviously surprised, Luke 1:12 says, 12 And Zacharias was troubled when he saw him, and fear…

Luke's account of Zacharias, Part 1

After Luke’s introduction to Theophilus, he begins his account, starting with John the Baptist, whose beheading at Passover of 30 A.D. was well known to the entire nation. Joanna,…

Luke's Letter to Theophilus

Having finished my commentary on Deuteronomy, which ends with the death of Moses and the commissioning of Joshua, I have been led to begin a study of the Gospel of Luke. Luke,…

My thoughts on the timing and results of the completion of Deuteronomy

The final weblog on our very long series on the book of Deuteronomy was written yesterday. Almost as soon as I completed this, I began to discern things that were hidden from me…

The Death of Moses, Part 2, End of Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 34:7 tells us that Moses was 120 years old when he died. He spent the first 40 years in the house of Pharaoh (Acts 7:23). He spent the next 40 years being trained in…

The Death of Moses, Part 1

When Eleazar finished compiling the words of Moses, he added an addendum in Deuteronomy 34 to tell us how Moses died. In verse 1 Eleazar says, 1 Now Moses went up from the…

The Last Psalm of Moses

Deuteronomy 33:26-29 is a psalm of Moses that Eleazer, his editor, placed in the record after concluding the blessing on the tribes. 26 There is none like the God of Jeshurun,…

The Blessing of Moses, Part 10, Asher

Deuteronomy 33:24, 25 says, 24 And of Asher he said, “More blessed [barak] than sons is Asher; may he be favored by his brothers, and may he dip his foot in oil. 25 Your locks…

The Blessing of Moses, Part 9, Naphtali

In Deuteronomy 33:23, we read, 23 And of Naphtali he said, “O Naphtali, satisfied with favor, and full of the blessing of the Lord, take possession of the sea and the south.”…

The Blessing of Moses, Part 8, Gad

Of Gad, Moses said in Deuteronomy 33:20, 21, 20 And of Gad he said, “Blessed is the one who enlarges Gad; he lies down as a lion, and tears the arm, also the crown of the head.…

The Blessing of Moses, Part 7, Dan

Moses’ blessing on the tribe of Dan is quite different from Jacob’s blessing. In Deuteronomy 33:22, we read of Moses’ blessing, 22 And of Dan he said, “Dan is a lion’s whelp,…

The Blessing of Moses, Part 6, Zebulun and Issachar

Issachar was the fifth son of Leah, and Zebulun was her sixth that she bore to Jacob (Genesis 30:18-20). We have already shown how Issachar got his name (“hire”) in the story of…