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The Incarnation, part 3

If one accepts that Jesus Christ was incarnated, one must then deal with the basic question of pre-existence. Incarnation, after all, presumes pre-existence; otherwise it is not…

The Incarnation, part 2

The question of Christ’s incarnation has been debated for many centuries. There is little chance that my input into this question will have any serious impact on the overall…

The Incarnation, part 1

The idea of the incarnation of Christ through the Virgin Mary involves many related areas of study, including our ability to separate Greek philosophy from Hebrew Scripture and…

The Virgin Birth, part 4

Jesus was unique in that He was the first to be begotten by God Himself through the Holy Spirit. This alone set Him apart from the rest of humanity. It thus requires us to ponder…

The Virgin Birth, part 3

The first century church was established by Jesus and the original apostles. When they passed from the scene, a second generation of leaders arose whose worldview was Hebrew. I…

The Virgin Birth, part 2

The virgin birth of Jesus is the central feature that defined His nature and character. It is also the fundamental pattern for the manner in which we ourselves may become sons of…

The Virgin Birth, part 1

From a biblical standpoint, the virgin birth of Christ is primarily based on Matthew 1:18-21, 18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows. When His mother Mary had been…

The land of milk and honey

When God first appeared to Moses in the land of Midian, He told Moses to go back to Egypt and deliver the Israelites and bring them to “a land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus…

The Wisdom of Christ and His Word

The reign of Solomon is a prophetic type of the reign of Christ in His role as the Prince of Peace. Solomon’s name means “peaceable,” from shalom, “peace.” Though the last half of…

No King in Israel, part 8, The true King comes in glory

The overall problem that Samuel was addressing was not merely the fact that there was no king in Israel. He was not trying to point out the failure of the system of Judges or…

No King in Israel, part 7, The Last Battle

After two losses in battle, the Israelites finally repented for their own sin and then won the victory over the tribe of Benjamin. Judges 20:26 says, 26 Then all the sons of…

No King in Israel, part 6, Equal Justice

The Levite and his concubine and his servant stopped for the night at “Gibeah, which belongs to Benjamin” (Judges 19:14). No one offered to take them in and give them shelter for…

No King in Israel, part 5, The Harlot Concubine

Judges 19:1 says, 18 Now it came about in those days, when there was no king in Israel, that there was a certain Levite staying in the remote part of the hill country of…

No King in Israel, part 4, When Justice is subverted

The band of five Danites received the blessing from the idolatrous priest in the house of Micah, so we continued their journey north to find a vulnerable city to conquer. Judges…

No King in Israel, part 3, Idols of the heart

Samuel’s second story in Judges 17:7-13 is a continuation of the first in regard to the corruption of the priests. Micah the Ephraimite ordained his own son as his family priest,…

No King in Israel, part 2, Spiritual Degeneration

When Samuel wrote that there was no king in Israel, he was speaking on two levels. First, it was the time before kings reigned in Israel; second, the people were already refusing…

No King in Israel, part 1

The last five chapters of the book of Judges appear to be out of order insofar as chronology is concerned. However, when Samuel wrote this book, his intention was first to give an…

The Book of Ruth, part 24 (final), Imputation and faith

We have shown how the laws of redemption give a near kinsman the right to redeem, and we have seen how Christ came as the Son of Man to be Adam’s near kinsman. This gave him the…

The Book of Ruth, part 23, Laws of Redemption

There are many who believe that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer, but most believers today do not know the laws of redemption. When I was a child, we often sang the old hymn, I Will…

The Book of Ruth, part 22, Taking the sandal

Ruth 4:7 says, 7 Now this was the custom in former times in Israel concerning the redemption and the exchange of land to confirm any matter: a man removed his sandal and gave it…