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The Book of Ruth, part 21, The court case

It was not Boaz’ duty to marry Ruth. There was a closer kinsman whose duty it was, whether it was an older man such as Elimelech’s brother or his brother’s son. We are not told,…

The Book of Ruth, part 20, From Law to Love

As we have seen, it is important to fulfill the law of God in accordance with the covenant that essentially defines the law’s implementation. The law of sonship must be…

The Book of Ruth, part 19, Inheritance and Sonship

The law of sonship in Deuteronomy 25 is largely based on the more basic laws of inheritance. In the days of Ruth and Boaz, the land itself represented the promise of God,…

The Book of Ruth, part 18, Preserving the Name of Jesus

After Boaz discovered Ruth lying at his feet, she told him that she desired him to marry her in order to fulfill the lawful requirement set forth in Deuteronomy 25:5-10. Boaz…

The Book of Ruth, part 17, Finding a Redeemer

Ruth’s ephah of barley was worth five shekels of silver, which was the normal wage for ten days of labor. Laborers were normally paid a half shekel per day. Five is the biblical…

The Book of Ruth, part 16, The Blessing of God

After Ruth brought home gleanings to Naomi, we read in Ruth 2:19, 20, 19 Her mother-in-law then said to her, “Where did you glean today and where did you work? May he who took…

The Book of Ruth, part 15, Prophetic Measures

The ephah of barley that Ruth gleaned from Boaz’ field represented a Pentecostal measure of the Holy Spirit. An ephah is ten omers (Exodus16:36) but only a tenth of a homer…

The Book of Ruth, part 14, The Generosity of God

Boaz treated Ruth with respect and love as she gleaned in his field of barley, speaking to her kindly and with comforting words. More than that, after their initial conversation,…

The Book of Ruth, part 13, Words of Comfort

In Ruth 2:8 and 9, Boaz told Ruth to glean only from his field so that he could guarantee her safety. He also gave her equal access to the water jars being used by his servants.…

The Book of Ruth, part 12, How Boaz treated Ruth

Ruth went out to look for a field where men were harvesting their barley, so that she might glean in the field. She came across a field owned by “Boaz, who was of the family of…

The Book of Ruth, part 11, The law of gleanings

With the main players in the story now set forth, we can see that this is ultimately a story of the restoration of all things. On the surface, it is the story of one woman’s…

The Book of Ruth, part 10, Boaz

Naomi and Ruth arrived in Bethlehem on the day of the wave-sheaf offering of barley. Most of the men of the town, no doubt, had gone to Shiloh for the feast of Passover and would…

Comment on the Declaration of Repentance (DOR)

Here is a letter from Alan Newton, who is one of the speakers for the Pentecost conference (June 7-9, 2019). It indicates that this declaration (DOR) could mark the end of a…

The Book of Ruth, part 9, Naomi and Mara

Orpah returned not only to her own people but to “her gods” (Ruth 1:15), much as the Israelites had often wanted to return to the gods of Egypt. It is easier to take people out of…

The Book of Ruth, part 8, Orpah returns

In Ruth 1:11-13 Naomi gave her daughters-in-law the opportunity to return instead of crossing the Jordan into a foreign land. We cannot say for sure what Noami’s motives were, but…

The Book of Ruth, part 7, Where to find rest

Having decided to leave Moab, Noami and her two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah, took the road west toward the Jordan River crossing. Ruth 1:6, 7 says, 6 Then she arose with…

The Book of Ruth, part 6, Cleansing Ruth

The law of illegitimate birth in Deuteronomy 23:2, 3 was not meant to be a permanent ban on Moabites entering the kahal (assembly, church). Likewise, the meaning of “illegitimate…

The Book of Ruth, part 5, Who was Ruth?

The apostle Paul tells us that “the law is spiritual” (Romans 7:14). Many have turned this into an excuse for sin or to set aside the law, rather than to change our perception of…

The Book of Ruth, part 4, Ruth and Orpah

After Elimelech and his two sons died in Moab, Naomi was left alone with her two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah. Ruth 1:6, 7 says, 6 Then she arose with her daughters-in-law…

The Book of Ruth, part 3, The cast of characters

The Book of Ruth begins by introducing us to the family of Elimelech and the reason for their sojourn in Moab. Ruth 1:1, 2 says, 1 Now it came about in the days when the judges…