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The Book of Ruth, part 2, The Setting

The story of Ruth took place in the time of the Judges, as the first verse tells us, and so it is placed immediately after the Book of Judges. It is one of the most beloved of the…

The Book of Ruth, part 1, Introduction

In Jewish liturgy, the Book of Ruth is read at Pentecost. As such, its main theme is marriage and sonship, for Ruth plays the role of the Bride of Christ bringing forth the sons…

The Judges, final, Samuel and the Ark

As we have seen already, Samson’s ministry as a Judge was fulfilled almost exclusively among the Philistines, not in Israel itself. In doing so, he prophesies of the end-time…

The Judges, part 11, Eli and Samuel

There is no biblical evidence that Samson went to Shiloh to worship God at the tabernacle where Eli and his sons were ministering. Samuel was there as well, for he was the son of…

The Judges, part 10, Samson

Though Samson was a Judge in Israel, his story gives no indication that he judged Israel. Samson judged the Philistines in the sense that he brought judgment upon the Philistines.…

The Judges, part 9, Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon-Bedan

Jephthah judged Israel for just six years and then died (Judges 12:7). After him came three minor judges in succession before the rise of Samson. Ibzan judged Israel seven…

The Judges, part 8, Jephthah

After the death of Jair, Israel again “did evil in the sight of the Lord” (Judges 10:6), by following the gods of the surrounding nations—including the gods of the Philistines and…

The Judges, part 7, Jair

The battle of Gideon shows prophetically how the feast days give us revelation about the end-time overthrow of God’s enemies through the feast days—in particular, the second set…

The Judges, part 6, Israel's first king

After Gideon subdued the Midianites, he remained their leader until “a ripe old age” (Judges 8:32). The land of Israel rested, but after Gideon died, the people again turned to…

The Judges, part 5b, Gideon

The battle of Gideon was unusual, not only because they fought with just 300 men but also because of their weapons of choice. Judges 7:16-18 says, 16 And he divided the 300 men…

The Judges, part 5a, Gideon

After the Canaanite captivity, the land of Israel had rest for 40 years (Judges 5:31). But during that time, the Israelites again used their liberty as “an opportunity for the…

The Great Shaking

Haggai 2:6, 7 tells how God will “shake the heavens and the earth.” Hebrews 12:26, 27 gives this some context, connecting it with the time when God came down upon Mount Sinai and…

The Judges, part 4, Legal implications of captivity

I want to pause briefly in our study of the Judges to comment on the legal background of Israel’s captivities. In other words, what hidden things are accomplished by putting…

The Judges, part 3, Barak and Deborah

The third Judge to deliver Israel in the book of Judges is generally believed to be Barak, but, as we will see shortly, Deborah was a judge before him and cannot be ignored in…

The Judges, part 2, Ehud

The first Judge to set Israel free from captivity was Othniel. The eight-year captivity began 42 years after Israel crossed the Jordan, and it lasted 8 years, concluding with…

The Judges, part 1

Moses warned Israel that if they cast aside His law in rebellion against God (who was their King), He would bring judgment upon the nation. The list of judgments is seen clearly…

The rise of modern Gnosticism, final

First-century Gnosticism said absolutely nothing about Jesus’ disciples being prominent temple officials or militant Essenes attempting to overthrow the Romans. All of this has…

The rise of modern Gnosticism, part 3

Laurence Gardner makes many claims about the true identity of Jesus’ disciples, but he offers no proof of his statements. Apparently, he expects us to take him at his word and…

The rise of modern Gnosticism, part 2

In part 1, I may have given the impression that all or most individual Jesuits were Gnostics in their belief. That is certainly not true, for if there is a connection between the…

The rise of modern Gnosticism, part 1

There is a powerful Gnostic element within the power structure of the Roman Catholic Church today. There is a long history of infiltration by Gnostics pretending to be devout…