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Faith without works is either dead or lazy

James now poses one of the most controversial questions. It is about the relationship between faith and works (law). James 2:14 says, (14) What use is it, my brethren, if a…

The Mandate of Heaven--Final

By this time it should be apparent that the Mandate of Heaven is bound closely to the calling of Abraham. All authority comes from God, Paul says, and this is well established in…

The Mandate of Heaven--Part 2

When we speak of the Mandate of Heaven, we are normally talking about the highest authority. Technically, however, all authority comes from God (Rom. 13:1), so the principle…

The Mandate of Heaven--Part 1

There are many would-be claimants to the Mandate of Heaven. If we trace this running dispute throughout biblical history, we find that Judah was given the Dominion Mandate of…

The Transfer of Authority to the Saints of the Most High

In recent years we have come to the end of some very lengthy time cycles that have their roots in biblical days. Understanding the time in which we live has guided us in our…

The Three City States of Babylon

Three City States form a triumvirate of power in Mystery Babylon. Each has its own obelisk representing (carnal, sexual) power. Each has its own jurisdiction (financial, military,…

Some basic principles of spiritual warfare and prayer

The Divine Deliverance Prayer Campaign began just before 11 p.m. CST (our time in Minneapolis). It was just before midnight in Washington D.C. Years ago, spiritual warfare used…

Overcoming the spirit of Amalek

The story of Purim goes back to the time when the Amalekites attacked Israel a few weeks after they had left Egypt under Moses. The story is recorded in Exodus 17:8-16. After the…

Be slow to anger--like God

When Jesus was raised from the dead to fulfill the wave-sheaf offering, He became the first fruits of the overcomers. That is, He was the guarantee that because He was raised from…

Who are the first fruits of creation?

As we keep in mind that James was writing to the twelve tribes, his discussion of temptation or trials takes on some nuances that many do not see today. There is no doubt that…

The blessed are tested

James writes in 1:12, (12) Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial [peirasmos]; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has…

James speaks of Humility

James shows the importance of humility in the first chapter of his letter: (9) But let the brother of humble circumstances glory in his high position; (10) and let the rich…

The prayer that is always answered

James 1:5 says, (5) But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. It is one of…

Our conduct while in captivity

I have shown how Peter gave comfort to the believers of the Israelite dispersion, telling them that, in essence, their captivity had ended. They were to conduct themselves as free…

Peter's Instruction to the Lost Tribes

Peter's first letter is specifically addressed to the lost tribes of Israel "in the dispersion." It is understood, however, that in a more limited context, he was writing to the…

James and Peter to the 12 Tribes

James 1:1 says, (1) James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to those twelve tribes in the dispersion, greeting. [The Emphatic Diaglott] To whom did…

Nations in Prophecy--Final

Paul asked in Romans 3:1 "what advantage has the Jew?" The advantage was that they were entrusted with the oracles of God. Some have taken this to mean that the Scriptures were…

Nations in Prophecy--Part 4

The Stone of Daniel 2:35 is first Jesus Christ Himself. It is to grind its opposition to powder, as Jesus confirmed in Matt. 21:44. In the same context, Jesus linked that Stone to…

Nations in Prophecy--Part 3

Although the remnant of grace are the only ones who truly inherit the promises in this present age, this does not mean that God neglects others. All nations have their part in the…

Nations in Prophecy--Part 2

When European explorers expanded their nations' horizons, it caused the leaders to think first in terms of finding gold to enrich their governments and other investors. This is…