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Nations in prophecy--Part 1

As I have shown previously, Paul wrote in Romans 11:1-7 that although Israel as a nation was called, only the remnant of grace actually obtained the promise. In the example of…

The work of the remnant of grace

Paul's discussion of the chosen remnant in Romans 11:1-7 is a very important key to understanding the entire idea of being chosen. In essence, he tells us that while the whole…

The Demise of Democracy

There is an old expression, "the tail is wagging the dog." A similar thought says, "If you owe the bank $1,000, it owns you; if you owe it a million dollars, you own it." This…

Did the Church Replace Israel?

I used the word "replace" many times in my last weblog, because many things in the Old Covenant system were replaced by something "better," as the book of Hebrews says.…

Who's your mother?

In Galatians 4:22-31, Paul makes it clear that to qualify as an inheritor of the Kingdom, one must have Sarah as one's mother, and not Hagar. Paul tells us up front that he was…

Qualifying for the third church by hearing

In October of 1995, I learned that there were three churches in succession throughout history. The first was established by God through Moses. Acts 7:38 says of Moses, "This is…

The blindness of Spiritual Pride

It is curious that men who are genuinely called of God often seem to think that God has given them a license to do as they please. This comes from a mindset which believes that…

The divine message of the Great Pyramid

The Great Pyramid in Egypt was called Pa-Hanoch, or "House of Enoch," perhaps because it was designed by him or as a memorial to him. Its own internal dating system seems to point…

The number 666 is both positive and negative

When we look at the biblical meaning of numbers, it is important to understand that the numbers themselves are neutral. That is to say, they are neither positive nor negative, but…

How Solomon affects us today

Solomon is best known for his wisdom, but also for his wealth. He asked God for wisdom, but got wealth as well (2 Chron. 1:12). Yet his wealth was somewhat limited while building…

Principles of time and space

We have long seen the biblical connection between time and space. For example, when Israel crossed the Jordan River, the priests were to go ahead of the people with the Ark of the…

The Emerging Stone Kingdom

As we draw near to the fifth kingdom of Daniel 2, i.e., the Stone Kingdom, the foremost prophecy to understand is that this stone does two things: (1) it crushes all the previous…

The beast from the earth rises

Political history is, in many ways, the record of men and groups conspiring to control or overthrow others in the quest for power, money, and glory. This is not "conspiracy…

The Feast of Tabernacles unifies the field

After Jesus was raised from the dead, He had the ability to enter the realm of the physical and the spiritual at any time. Up to then, He did so only occasionally as the situation…

By the spirit we overcome time and space

Last week I wrote how plants are able to pick up signals and emotions from their "owners" without regard to distance. Once the connection is made between them, plants react at the…

Gravity is the flow of God's presence

There is another way of looking at Romans 11:36, "out of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things." So far we have looked at it from a historical perspective, where "in…

The science of restoration

Throughout history, men have altered the genetics of plants and animals by selective breeding. This has been a rather slow process until modern corporations began to artificially…

The Real Christmas Story

Two thousand and twelve years ago last night a group of magi found a baby in a house in Bethlehem, guided there by the planet Jupiter. The baby was three months old at the time,…

And God Created

We come now to perhaps the most controversial of all topics. Did life evolve on earth? If so, did it evolve with or without God as its first cause? If God created life on earth,…

More light on health and resurrection

The coherent light of a laser is much more efficient in transmitting information than electromagnetic waves. Perhaps the biblical principle that "God is light" was meant to give…