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Secrets of healing and resurrection

The implications of Dr. Gariaev's experiments with the "DNA Phantom" show us that organisms are not merely earthly life forms, but have an "energetic duplicate" made of light. We…

Science discovers spirit

It is my current opinion that the soul's mind and memory is stored in the DNA of every cell in our body. I would not presume to insist that the soul is actually located in the…

Our three conscious minds

Modern scientific research is showing that our thoughts and personality (who we are) are not necessarily centered in our brain. Thoughts appear to come from two sources, which…

The Unity in Creation

In my previous blog, I talked about how we are connected to each other through a so-called "collective consciousness." It goes further than that. We also have a connection to…

Effects of Prayer are Measurable

There is an aspect of Universal Reconciliation that is not normally discussed. It is the scientific research about a "collective consciousness" where each of us, as individuals,…

Leaving bondage at Passover with the wealth of Egypt

On a prophetic level, Passover occurred Nov. 29 and 30 this year. We saw all past prophecy fulfilled except for leaving with the wealth of Egypt. Exodus 12:35, 36 says, "Now…

God's Names and Titles

In my opinion, most Bible translations are too careless in their renderings of the names and titles of God. Because of this, many of these names and titles are not understood…

Coming out of Egypt and a New Birth

The Great Pyramid was constructed in such a way as to represent the earth itself. It incorporated much the astronomical data as well, such as the precise length of the year,…

How divine judgment came to be seen as everlasting

Origen was roasted by certain unscrupulous church bishops about the year 400 A.D. Because he had written on so many topics over the years (202-253 A.D.), there were many…

Origen and his successors--Part 2

Origen died in 253 A.D., having been cruelly tortured for two years in a Roman prison for refusing to deny Jesus Christ. For the next 150 years he was revered and admired as one…

Origen and his successors

Origen's father, Leonides, was killed in the persecution that broke out in Alexandria in 202 A.D. Origen himself wanted to join his father as a martyr, but his mother hid his…

The Early Church teaching about Fire

The biblical meaning of FIRE in Scripture is quite clearly a symbol of cleansing and purification. All biblical judgment must be seen in that context and within those parameters,…

The four beast nations today

There is something strangely prophetic about world events these days. Daniel 2 and 7 (and perhaps chapter 8 as well) speak of the four "beast" kingdoms that would be given power…

Judging another man's servant

In Romans 14 the apostle Paul discusses the need for believers to show love toward those who hold differing opinions or alternate interpretations of Scripture. Paul specifies food…

The Procession leading to the Coronation of the Remnant

Recently I wrote about the 10-year repeating patterns from 2001-2011. This 10-year pattern is known as the Hezekiah Factor, and it is something that had enormous significance in…

Ten-year patterns being repeated now--Part 3

The ongoing child abuse scandal at Penn State is a secondary manifestation of another 10-year cycle, linked prophetically to the same type of scandal in the Catholic Church in…

Ten-year patterns being repeated now--Part 2

Jerusalem's problem with human sacrifice is the stated reason for her final demise, according to Jeremiah 19. This is how Jerusalem was changed from the City of Peace to the City…

Ten-year patterns being repeated now--Part 1

As most of you know, we often have to wait 10 years to see serious results from a prayer campaign. This is due to the "Hezekiah Factor," which I have discussed many times. We…

Understanding Spiritual Authority--Part 3

Neither Saul nor Solomon nor any of the other kings of Israel and Judah received any serious wilderness training in God's Hardknox Bible College. Their lack of training shows in…

Understanding Spiritual Authority--Part 2

The kind of love found among men and man-made religions tells men to kill for the honor of God. Its greatest manifestation is seen when men are willing to die for God. But the…