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Where We Are in Prophecy--Part 5

At the end of November 2007, we drove to Little Rock, Arkansas to spend some time with Pastor Dick King and to talk with some of the people in his church. By this time we had had…

Where We Are in Prophecy--Part 4

After I finished yesterday's web log, it occurred to me that some newer readers might have gotten the impression that I intend to start a new church denomination based upon the…

Where We Are in Prophecy--Part 3

In the first two parts of this series, I focused mostly upon the Babylonian system in prophecy. One might say that this is the "bad news" side of what is going on today, though…

Where We Are in Prophecy--Part 2

The stock market crash in the year 1929 marked the 2,520th anniversary of the beginning of the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel is dated in verses 1 and 2: "the thirtieth year . . . in…

Where We Are in Prophecy--Part 1

Those who do not know anything about biblical timing are greatly limited in their perspective on where their generation is in prophecy (that is, the progression of the Kingdom).…

Laws of Murder and Manslaughter Part 3

God established cities of refuge in ancient Israel in order to establish the mercy factor built into the law. All bloodshed defiles the land itself, the Bible says, unless, of…

Laws of Murder and Manslaughter--Part 2

At the end of Part 1, I questioned the wisdom of modern political attempts to try to Christianize Babylon by demanding the death penalty for murder--or for any crime, for that…

Jesus' Birth--Part 2

After Mary's purification according to the law, they returned to Bethlehem, where they stayed for another seven weeks or so. Luke's account ends here, saying only in 2:39,…

Jesus' Birth--Part 1

The prophet Daniel must have had some understanding of the times and seasons of the Messiah's coming, for he prophesied of a 490-year period to the Messiah's work (Dan. 9:24-27).…

How Kings Should Rule--Part 2

I want to expand on a few concepts mentioned in Part 1. Deut. 17:17 says that the king was not to use his office to get rich. Keep in mind that this law applies not only to…

How Kings Should Rule

Political elections are in the news these days, and each candidate is setting forth his or her agenda. So it is appropriate that we study the contrasting way in which God views…

Seeing Christ in Others--Part 4, King Cyrus the Messiah

King Cyrus of Persia was not much different from other monarchs in his day. It was a time when men assumed that monarchs had the divine right to do as they pleased, kill whom they…

Seeing Christ in Others--Part 3, Subway Holiday Greetings

Today's news tells about an incident in a New York subway where someone said "Merry Christmas" to a stranger, and the stranger's response was "Happy Hanukkah." He was then…

Seeing Christ in Others--Part 2

One measure of our level of spiritual maturity is our ability to "see." Spiritual myopia is a symptom of spiritual immaturity. Maturity is hardly possible without improving…

Seeing Christ in Others

The day is coming when we will all see God face to face--and live to tell about it. But meanwhile, there is another way to see God. It is more subtle, but it is very important in…

The Search for Holiness

Paul's letter to the Galatians has often been misunderstood as an argument against the law itself. It is, in fact, an argument against those who teach that the law is capable of…

Three Agents of Biblical Cleansing

The Bible speaks of three agents of cleansing: blood, water, and fire. Each of these has a distinct function and purpose, and each had a literal application in the Old Testament…

Church Reversion, Continued

When I speak of the Passover Age, the term itself is to be understood in relation to the Pentecostal Age and the Tabernacles Age. But there is another way to look at this, a way…

Church Reversion: Pentecost to Passover

The progression of the Kingdom in history is portrayed by the feast days of Israel when viewed from the perspective of prophecy. Moses led Israel out of Egypt on Passover,…


The transformation of the Roman Empire into a Christian Empire took considerable time. It was not completed until the time of Theodosius, who outlawed sacrifice in 381 and finally…