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Gog's Invasion in Ezekiel's Prophecy--Part 1

Jeremiah 19 and Isaiah 29 speak of the final destruction of Jerusalem. Obadiah, Malachi, and Isaiah 34 speak of the destruction of Edom, which, as we have seen, can only be…

The Fullness of the Gentiles

One of the more confusing things that Bible translators have done is to use the term "gentile" in the Scriptures. The word is used to translate the Old Testament Hebrew word…

National Salvation from Captivity

The term Salvation in Scripture refers literally to deliverance from some enemy, one's general state of health, or one's right standing with God. Scripture often applies…

National Salvation of Israel

When Paul wrote in Rom. 11:15, "all Israel will be saved," he was speaking nationally, not personally, even though in the end all certainly will be saved. Modern Christian…

All Israel Will Be Saved

Paul says in Romans 11:26, "And thus all Israel will be saved." What did he mean? Let us first establish what Paul did NOT mean. He did not mean that some people are so chosen…

Has God Cast Away His People?

In Romans 9-11 we find the well-known "Israel passage," which has caused so much confusion in the Church in the past century. Paul asks in Rom. 11:1 and 2, "I say then, Has…

The Judah-Edom Combo in Prophecy

By the time Jesus was born, Judaism had long lapsed into a religion of legalistic form and ritual which had become more important than the spirit of the law. They did not seem to…

Zionism by the Mind of Esau--Part 3

There are many non-Zionist Jews who loudly proclaim that Zionism represents an apostasy from Judaism. Of this I have no doubt, insofar as Judaism taught that Jews were NOT to…

The Law of the Hated Son

I mentioned earlier the law of the hated son in Deut. 21:15-17. It protects an older son from a father who does not love him or who loves a younger son more. The father does not…

Zionism by the Mind of Esau--Part 2

In recent years the mantra of Zionists, both Christian and Jewish, has been to oppose the creation of a Palestinian state on the grounds that it is unlawful to "divide My land." I…

Zionism by the Mind of Esau--Part 1

The only way to understand modern Zionism is by studying the Scriptures and by knowing some history. Jewish Zionism, as seen in its 19th century manifestation, is a gross…

America's Defense of Edom

Modern history and America's recent Middle East foreign policy has been based upon the idea that the Jews are Israel--God's chosen people. It colors everything that America has…

The Appointed Place in Prophecy

When King David was at the height of his kingdom, God gave him a promise that few really understand today. Even fewer preach on it, making it one of the great unknown promises to…

The Advantage of Genealogy--Part 6

One of the most important advantages of being an ex-Israelite of the dispersion is that the Gospel came to them first. It was a matter of divine priority. Europe became…

The Advantage of Genealogy--Part 5

The name Israel is the Birthright Name. The angel gave Jacob this name when he was 98 years old as he was returning to Canaan. Jacob was not born an Israelite. Though he was…

The Advantage of Genealogy--Part 4

God never divorced Judah like He divorced Israel in Jer. 3:8. This is because Jesus had to be born from Judah. Jesus had a heavenly Father and an earthly mother. His mother was…

The Advantage of Genealogy--Part 3

God married Israel at Mount Sinai and asked Moses to officiate. The Old Covenant was a marriage covenant. For this reason Isaiah 54:5 says, "For your Husband is your Maker,…

The Advantage of Genealogy--Part 2

When God exiled the northern House of Israel, that is, the ten so-called "lost tribes of Israel," they were not all killed, nor were they simply absorbed by the Assyrians into…

The Advantage of Genealogy, Part 1

Christian Zionism incorrectly assumes that the Jews are Israel and then elevates the advantages of "being a Jew" to almost mythical proportions. In my early life, I was surrounded…

The Four Elements of a Kingdom--Part 6

The Kingdom of God has territory, which consists of everything God created, whether in heaven or in earth. All that He owns is part of His Kingdom, and He owns the earth by right…