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The Four Elements of a Kingdom--Part 5

So far we have dealt in some detail with the first two elements of the Kingdom of God--the King and the citizens. The laws and the territory yet remain. But I have already written…

The Four Elements of a Kingdom--Part 4

The Kingdom of God properly includes the whole created universe. But there is also a problem in God's Kingdom. It is the problem of sin. It was caused by man's will usurping the…

The Four Elements of a Kingdom--Part 3

Citizenship in the Kingdom of God is different from citizenship in a Christian nation. The Old Testament nation of Israel was set up essentially as a Christian nation by Jesus…

The Four Elements of a Kingdom--Part 2

There are four essential elements that make up a kingdom: a king, citizens, laws, and territory. The Kingdom of God, too, is a real kingdom. Its King is Jesus; its citizens are…

The Four Elements of a Kingdom

The Kingdom of God properly begins with Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." The Kingdom of God includes anything and everything that God…

God's Promise to Ishmael--Final

The path to God is not about dressing up the flesh or beating the old Adam into subjection to make him righteous. It involves becoming a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). Let the old…

God's Promise to Ishmael--Part 5

The Promise to Ishmael is bound up in his divinely-revealed name as well as the place where his name was revealed by the angel--"the well of seeing after hearing." This is not…

God's Promise to Ishmael--Part 4

With all the types and shadows in the Old Testament, it would be helpful to step back for a moment and look at the big picture. Adam and the Last Adam portray the types that…

God's Promise to Ishmael--Part 3

There are many levels of meaning and application of God's promise to Ishmael. So far we have focused largely on the most personal and universal application. It is God's promise to…

God's Promise to Ishmael--Part 2

Genesis 16 tells us that Ishmael was the son of Abram the Hebrew and Hagar the Egyptian. Because Sarah was barren, she gave her servant (Hagar) to Abram as a wife in order to…

God's Promise to Ishmael

The crisis that arose in the 1900's in the Middle East is largely a crisis between Ishmael and Esau, not between Jacob and Esau, nor even Isaac and Ishmael. I recall the year…

Repentance in America--Part 5

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Roman Church filled the power vacuum and gradually asserted authority over the other churches. This was resisted for centuries, and even…

Repentance in America--Part 4

America, along with the rest of the world, is destined to be set free from the power of Mystery Babylon. Even as they have already given up their national sovereignties to this…

Repentance in America--Part 3

The American Constitution enthroned God as the ultimate Monarch over the nation. It did so primarily by establishing the idea that "rights" do not originate by governmental…

Repentance in America--Part 2

When our founders wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776, they declared that America was to be a nation under God's authority. They did so by saying, "We hold these…

Repentance in America--Part 1

By this time it should be quite clear just how important Sept. 11, 2001 was to us: 1. It was two months ["July is like September"] after America was spiritually attacked on…

Where We Are in Prophecy--Part 9

Let me enlarge a bit on the topic of "The Prophetic Year," which I mentioned last time. I wrote that it begins shortly after the feast of Tabernacles each year, and that it always…

Where We Are in Prophecy--Part 8

The date of September 11, 2001 already stands out as one of the most defining dates in modern American history--and, indeed, in world history. This date is important in…

Where We Are in Prophecy--Part 7

Most Americans may suspect that the year 2001 was a pivotal year in prophecy, but not many know why unless they have read my booklet, The 1986 Vision of the Two Gulf Wars. There I…

Where We Are in Prophecy--Part 6

The Indian Hills Church in North Little Rock received much prophecy in the late 1980's and early 1990's about their place in the divine plan. They were told to wait for God to…