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Catching up on current events

China’s flag was lowered in Olympia, Washington on Saturday, April 4 just before 7 a.m. Then yesterday (April 7) a power outage hit Washington DC.…

The rift between the US and NATO

All is not well between the US and NATO. Last week it was reported that President Obama deliberately snubbed Jens Stoltenberg, who took over last October as the Secretary…

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Interview

The latest interview with this former Treasury official under President Reagan comments on the Saudi invasion of Yemen, the nuclear accord with Iran, the situation in Ukraine, and…

Dr. Jim Willie--The Global Paradigm Shift Has Begun

This interview with Dr. Jim Willie gives his views on the extraordinary events that occurred last week.…

Benjamin Fulford speaks his mind

In the past few weeks Benjamin Fulford has been saying some interesting things from his perspective in Japan. On March 10, 2015, just before…

Pope Francis declares a Jubilee Year

The Jubilee year is to begin December 8, 2015 and end on November 20, 2016. It is being called a Year of Mercy.…

Good Ukraine analysis by Michael Hudson

Here is a good analysis by Michael Hudson of the situation in Ukraine. The fate of Ukraine is now shifting from the…

Don't get caught up in the last Illuminati war

The world is being drawn into a third world war by hidden forces who have planned this for more than a century. The plan was originally set forth in 1871 in a letter that…

Understanding the News

Talks between Greece and the EU have collapsed. It appears that they are headed for divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences.…

Big Four sign cease fire agreement over Ukraine

We certainly are living in interesting times. Yesterday Russia, Ukraine, Germany, and France concluded a peace deal in regard to the Ukraine crisis. The news media complained…

The brink of war

For the past few years I have talked about the “kings of the east” being raised up by God to overthrow Mystery Babylon, as seen in Revelation 16:12. The kings of the east rise as…

Watching February 17-23

Benjamin Fulford reported yesterday in his blog: Several e-mails were sent to this writer using complex cabalistic numerology to explain that February 17th would be the day…

Socialism vs God's Kingdom Government

Political ideologies have been around for a long time. Monarchies have been the most prevalent for thousands of years. More recently, governments have been formed which shift…

The Breach between the US and Saudi Arabia

In my view, the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, was coordinated by the CIA, using some brainwashed Saudis (and others), while the Twin Towers were actually…

The Beast Nations Splitting; Prepare for the Kingdom

When the Soviet Union collapsed 25 years ago, the US government did nothing to stop the looting of its assets by the “Russian” oligarchs (actually, they were all Russian Jews),…

Important Dr Jim Willie interview

Here is a link to an interview with Dr. Jim Willie, whose knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes is extensive. It is rather long, but if you do not have time to listen to…

Caesar declares bankruptcy

Here is another sign from January 15 that I missed earlier. It is a sign of the bankruptcy of Rome, the iron kingdom, and its extension, the little horn. It is also significant…

Grandmaster Putin's Plan

Earlier this week, the Russian currency suffered a large-scale collapse, and the Central Bank raised interest rates from 10.5% to 17%. The news media has been quick to call this…

Tricked Again

Yesterday’s blog about the Khazars contains a lot of truth, but unfortunately, the news article from the Times of Israel was a spoof. It brought out some genuine news items, but…

Will the Khazars retake Ukraine?

Note: This article contains a lot of truth, but the main article being cited from the Times of Israel is a spoof. See my disclaimer dated December 20. The Israel Times reports…