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How much war does Washington want?

Paul Craig Roberts is an economist who served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration and is a co-founder of “Reaganomics.” He is a former editor…

Ten-minute video showing the real situation in Ukraine

This is a very good summary with good documentation about who were the people behind the regime change in Ukraine. Listen to the leaked phone call that shows how these people were…

Russia, the new defender of Christianity

The Christian Post has posted an article, where Russia’s President Putin has taken a public stand, saying that he will defend the world’s Christians.…

Interview with Jim Sinclair on the results of economic sanctions on Russia

Here is a 30-minute video of an interview with economist Jim Sinclair, who tells us plainly how economic sanctions on Russia would kill the petro-dollar. Educate yourself. It is…

Update on the kings of the east

Recent events have brought up some important questions that need to be addressed. It is being reported that on March 11, 2014, Mr. Soegiharto, son of the late President Soekarno…

A short important interview with Dr Jim Willie

This interview with Dr. Willie gives a realistic background of the war going on over Ukraine. He mentions the US boycott of the G8 economic summit, with the insight that this…

Protecting "interests" in Ukraine

This article from a Canadian source sums up how the real world functions today in the use of political power. What Russia is doing in Ukraine and Crimea is no different from what…

Russian response to US threat of sanctions

While the US considers economic sanctions on Russia, potentially freezing their assets in America and the SWIFT banking system, it appears that the US has far more to lose than…

Hegemony in the Dominion Mandate

The word of the day is Hegemony, “predominance, especially that of one state over another.” It comes from the Greek word hegemonia, “authority, rule.” This is a word which few…

Israeli government threatens to attack Iran unilaterally

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is threatening Iran with a unilateral attack if the US succeeds in negotiating peace with Iran over its construction of nuclear power plants.…

October 7 event, The Babylonian harlot stripped naked

October 7 was the seventh anniversary of the end of our prayer campaign to overthrow Babylon. It ended with the ceremony held at Babylon, New York. We expected to see some sign…

Watch dates in October

The US budget deficit runs over 40% of revenues, so when the government cannot agree to raise the debt limit, government spending drops by the amount of the deficit. This means a…

The Israelis and Saudis unite against Obama

The DebkaFile, which is an Israeli news service on behalf of the Israeli Mossad, acknowledges a rift between Netanyahu and Obama.…

Obama defies Netanyahu over Iran policy

Ever since the US government conceded defeat in trying to start a war with Syria, due to unprecedented resistence from the American public, it seems that peace is once again on…

Is America too weak to start wars?

Instead of bemoaning America's weakness and inability to create war, we ought to be celebrating peace. If America had been on the right side, then a peace agreement would have…

Darius and the Media

In the ongoing diplomacy war, US Secretary of State John Kerry has rejected Syria's offer to turn over all chemical weapons to UN observers for destruction. Why? Because Assad…

Article by Simon Black of The Sovereign Man

(My comment at the end of the article) September 12, 2013 Hong Kong In the summer of 1956, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, sparking a…

News update

We have a few news items to pass on to you. First, James Bruggeman of Stone Kingdom Ministries has written a notice on his blog to let us know that his wife, Roxanne, passed…

The real gas war in Syria

The war in Syria really has little to do with establishing democracy. Democracy is the excuse for the US-backed uprising, and now the recent sarin gas incident, blaming Assad for…

Lindsay Williams interview, with my comments

Lindsay Williams was interviewed earlier this week. It is an hour long. You can listen to it here: He gives more information from…