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New York Times Reports Cluster Bomb Use

On August 24 The New York Times reported the Israeli use of cluster bombs in Lebanon. It is actually quite a good and complete article. Here is the article in part, along with…

Causes of the Lebanon War

Here is an article from The Guardian (U.K.) reprinted by The Palestine Chronicle, written by George Monbiot that gives a very insightful view into the causes of the current…

The Psalm Book Found in the Bog

Many have inquired about the psalm book found in the Irish bog last week. Supposedly, it was open at Psalm 83, and prophecy preachers have made a big deal of it in support of the…

Rabbis Reject Zionism

A group of Jewish rabbis recently held a conference, in which they stated: "A decision was made in Europe 100 years ago to establish a Jewish country and this decision led into…

The Importance of 2006

In the spring of 2002 the Israeli army invaded Palestinian territory and destroyed most of the "Palestinian Authority" government. At the time, I saw their strategy clearly. It…

Eye of Newt

News reports today show that President Bush's approval ratings are again going down. Three different polls rate it at 40%, 39% and 35%, heading back down toward the 29% from…

World War III Beginning?

David Postman, writing an article for the Seattle Times, is now reporting that Newt Gingrich believes that World War III has started and that President Bush should go to Congress…

Taking the Bohemian Grove in God's Snare

Yesterday was another rather interesting work day. We drove to Eureka, California, which is not far from the Redwood Forest along the Pacific Highway. Last week end, during our…

Sobering Economic Assessment by C. Laird

Christopher Laird has posted an article entitled, "Huge Gold Action and Earth-Shaking Change Imminent." He is commenting on the…

Senator Biden: Iraq Should Split

On the AOL news today is an interesting article relating to what I have written in the past about Iraq splitting into three parts. As you may recall, I think this will actually…

Iran-Israeli Nuclear Games

I will be out of town Saturday, April 29, and will not be able to write a web log that day. Meanwhile, the U.N. deadline was reached on April 28 for Iran to stop enriching…

March 20-26 Crisis Report from Europe

I received this crisis report today and thought I should pass it on to our readers, since I have written about the time cycles that all come together at the end of March. The most…

New Technology Makes Gasoline Obsolete

The following is an article from "Science and Discovery" entitled "Fuel From Water." Subtitle: "It Promises to Replace Coal and Gasoline." Inexhaustible motive power from water…

Judge Alito and the War Between Catholics

The recent Committee hearings in the Senate on the nomination of Justice Samuel Alito brought out an interesting conflict. Judge Alito is Catholic. So are three others already on…

The News Behind Jill Carroll's Kidnapping

"BAGHDAD, Iraq (Jan. 31) - The U.S. journalist Jill Carroll, weeping and veiled, appeared on a new videotape aired Monday by Al-Jazeera, and the Arab television station said she…

Abortion and Slavery

Judge Alito's hearing before the Senate Committee are revealing some very interesting and fundamental issues of law and the deep division that exists in America. One issue is…

The Grilling of Judge Alito

The grilling has begun, and one of the heated topics is that of abortion rights. This morning I heard one senator asking point blank if the Judge believed that the right of…

Presidential Christmas Pardons

On today's news we are reading about the traditional Christmas pardons that presidents have been giving out each year. President Bush issued 11 pardons this year, all to people who…

Pressure on President Bush to Repent

Things are going very well for President Bush. God is steadily bringing him to the place where he must repent. His cabinet members, however, must be going crazy, with three major…

And the Fruit of the Spirit is . . . Torture, etc.

On Dec. 15, President Bush finally agreed to support the McCain's call for a ban on torture. He did so very reluctantly, and only after both the Senate and the House endorsed it…

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