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Eliot Spitzer's interview exposing the enormity of the Barclays scandal The LIBOR scandal involving Barclays and other banks is the tsunami of all banking scandals, because it affects the…

JPMorgan's $14 billion per year subsidy from the US govt

Bloomberg reported this two weeks ago: When JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon testifies in the U.S. House today, he will present himself as a champion…

Comments on the News

Last Wednesday's $453 million fine (290 pounds) against Barclay's Bank appears to be just the tip of the iceberg. The market rigging has been going on for a long time virtually…

ObamaCare is ruled to be a tax

Remember all the hoopla about how ObamaCare was a "penalty" and not a tax? This was how it was sold to the American public in order to get it passed. Well, now the Supreme Court…

Remember the poor (central banks)

Forbes reported last September that an audit showed that the Federal Reserve loaned out $16 trillion. "The audit of the Fed’s emergency lending programs was scarcely reported…

Spain and Cyprus request bailout (Reuters) - Finance chiefs of the euro zone's four biggest economies will hold last-minute talks…

£600 bailouts for Spain and Italy European leaders are poised to announce a £600…

Mubarak's death wish coming true 490 days later?

On February 11, 2011 Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak turned over the functions of government to his vice president and flew to Sharm al Sheikh on the shores of the Red Sea. He…

Results of Greek elections

Yesterday's elections in Greece did not change the situation much. The same party won with a slim margin once again. Will it be able to form a coalition government this time,…

Jubilee and silver drachma proposed to resolve Greek debt crisis

Max Keiser and Mexican businessman Hugo Price discuss the Greek problem and propose a serious solution.…

Ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown warns--This is the last chance

It helps not to be in a position of political power. You can speak closer to the truth without being criticized for causing a panic. Financial markets don't take it as seriously,…

Spain's bailout loan questioned by Britain's Nigel Farage

The UK's Nigel Farage appears before the European Parliament in this short video: He concludes that…

Alert from International Banker He says that the price of gold will soon skyrocket to $5000 with silver at $1000/oz. Of course, this will…

Vatican Bank's ex-head compiled list in case he is killed Ettore Gotti…

Babylonian Plague spreads to Italy

At the beginning of June George Soros said that the EU has about three months to solve its economic crisis, otherwise the euro will collapse. Eurozone governments have around…

Vatican bank head fired for money laundering

The Vatican Bank was established in 1942 and has been accused of money laundering since the beginning. The problem was that they engaged in secrecy, so the charges were difficult…

Steve Quayle's short interview with an international banker

Steve Quayle has posted a "financial alert" today. It is a short interview with an international banker who is a friend of his. It gives us a few things to watch, including a…

The real budget deficit of USA is $5 Trillion

USA Today reported the other day that the real national budget deficit was not merely $1 Trillion as is claimed. It is actually $5 Trillion. The reason for the discrepancy, they…

Link to Lindsey Williams' interview May 16

I recently have talked about Lindsey Williams' interview on May 16 in which he told of the "crack" in the derivatives market and also the sign of the end being the rise in…

Watch interest rates as the final sign of economic collapse

Lindsey Williams explained on May 16 that his insider source told him in early May to watch for the first crack in the derivatives market. This occurred with the JP Morgan…