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Obamas buying Hawaii mansion, planning to move in January--and other rumors Here in Chicago,…

IMF now admits (sort of) that Iceland was right after all

Iceland holds some key lessons for nations trying to survive bailouts after the island’s approach to its rescue led to a “surprisingly” strong recovery, the International…

Romney says he left Bain in 1999 to run the Winter Olympics in Utah Bain’s involvement in a company that disposed of aborted fetuses could make a…

Those most responsible for the LIBOR scandal remain hidden Secret Libor Committee Clings to Anonymity After Rigging…

Pussy Riot girls convicted of hooliganism Along with other members of their band, the women staged a flashmob-style performance of their song close to the altar in the…

Cease and Desist order against UBS (Babylon) This is a Cease and Desist order to Union Bank of Switzerland in regard to the bonds that they…

More Bankruptcies

The city of Compton, California is in line to become the fourth city in that state to file for bankruptcy in September.…

China preparing for gold-based banking system

Jim Willie's "Hat Trick Letter" says this: CHINA RECASTS GOLD BARS China is well along an ambitious plan to recast large gold bars into smaller 1-kg bars on a massive scale.…

Will Romney be the Republican candidate for president?

Drake is reporting that we should watch the Republican National Convention in Tampa, FL in late August. He says something is going to happen that will be a game changer. He did…

The sign of the broken olive branch

A prophetic friend called me on Friday, August 10, 2012 to tell me of a significant prophetic sign that occurred overnight (Aug. 9/10). In his yard are two prophetic trees, a…

Obama administration fights to retain NDAA law's provisions

Obama administration fights to retain NDAA law's provisions allowing indefinite detention without trial: Remember when President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization…

German newspaper says the LIBOR fraud was a Conspiracy by a Cartel

Well, well. Now we see it in the mainstream media. There was a conspiracy after all in the banking world. It is no longer just a theory. It appears that a financial cartel…

Why money will be the downfall of Mystery Babylon

Benjamin Fulford made a very insightful observation in his latest blog (dated July 31) after talking with many high-level economists and financial officials in Canada this past…

What is a secular nation?

A secular nation is one that does not recognize the sovereignty of God over it. It believes that the top government officials are accountable to no one else, and that their will…

The Spirit of Zionism strikes again Palestinian villages face demolition to create IDF training ground Israel's…

The bailout monster is on the loose again

Spain has $28 billion worth of bonds coming due in October. After all this talk about Spain not needing a bailout, suddenly it's bailout time again. They are now talking about a…

The need for legislation to stop The Joker

In Aurora, Colorado a man calling himself "The Joker" attacked people in a theater where the latest Batman movie was being shown. In his appearance in court, he looked very much…

Capital One pays $210 million fine for deceptive marketing practices

News article dated July 19, 2012: A year after the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau began operating…

July 20 massacre in Colorado parallel to Oslo last year

We were out of town from Thursday to Sunday evening, and were out of the news loop. When we arrived home, July 22, we learned of the Colorado shooting spree that killed 12 people…