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15 Marines going to Wall Street to protect protesters from police violence

First, watch the cell phone video of a police official spraying women with mace for apparently no reason at all--except to exprss his anger. This can't be legal.…

Wall Street Protests On September 17, the day that Operation Jericho concluded, protestors began to occupy…

Part 2 of the 2008 recession

Today's economy is looking more and more like a resumption of what happened in September 2008 with the collapse of AIG, Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, etc. Gold and…

Warning from the former President of the Budapest Stock Exchange

Here is a dire warning from a man who is in a position to know. He believes that the European Union is doomed along with the euro itself as a currency. He believes that the Greek…

Gold and Silver now restricted commodities in Europe

It appears that Europe has declared war on gold in an effort to make their paper currencies look better. The freedom to purchase gold can easily lead to a currency crisis of…

Buddhist gods embraced by church LAGUNA BEACH Prayers for compassion filled the Neighborhood Congregational Church this week, taking the…

Does Goldman Sachs rule the world? Financial trader shocks the BBC interviewer by saying, "governments do not rule the world; Goldman Sachs rules the world." His…

Margin requirements raised again in metals Exchange operator CME Group Inc. will raise the collateral requirements for trading in gold, copper, and silver futures after a volatile week.…

Bix Weir discusses the economy Here is an audio interview with Bix Weir that I recommend. It is in 2 parts, each about 14 minutes…

A new model of religious suppression

It looks like we're almost at the point where we have to start meeting in underground churches, unless part of the state-approved institutional churches. This law in San Juan…

Three Churches banned on Indian lands in Canada

I don't know how "official" this is, but it is something to be watched. This appears to be coming from Canada, where various Indian tribes have banished the Roman Catholic Church,…

The Arms of Silver are rising

I have long maintained that the Babylonian head of gold would be eclipsed by the arms of silver as the prophecy says in Daniel 2:32, 39. It also seems that $50/oz silver is the…

Update on the Central Banks global intervention

On September 9, I posted a rumor on Wall Street that some Central Banks were going to do some kind of "global intervention." I wrote this: Rumor on Wall Street has it that…

Obama says 153 Bridges need repair

President Obama is prophesying once again (inadvertently, of course). He mentions specifically 153 bridges that need repair in North Carolina alone. Right now, we are in the…

G7 economic summit this week end

Rumor on Wall Street has it that there is going to be a very important decision this week end that will involve the "global" banking system. Many or all of the central banks in…

JPMorgan's Operation Silver Slam

Bix Weir writes: I must admit that I've been watching JP Morgan pull the same manipulation stunts over and over again for years. And it's not just in the silver markets. On…

Deutsche Bank CEO Just Gave A Terrifying Speech In Frankfurt Josef Ackermann just gave a terrifying speech about the fragility of the Euro banking sector…

Comet Elenin splits in two

It is being reported now by Leonid Elenin (the one who discovered the comet named after him) that Comet Elenin has broken up into at least two pieces. This appears to have started…