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China's war against Babylonian Banks goes to the next level "China declared war on the City of London and Wall Street when they opened…

Wikileaks shows US policy of gold price suppression

The recent Wikileaks postings included one US Embassy cable that references the US policy of suppressing the price of gold, as well as China's policy of accumulating more gold. In…

Former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder calls for United States of Europe BERLIN: Former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder on…

Will the earthquake open ears in Washington?

God's judgments are corrective by nature. The signs that He sends are designed to open our ears and eyes. Perhaps this latest quake is such a sign. East Coast Earthquake…Cures a…

Update on Nuclear Radiation problem

High radiation levels measured in Oklahoma rain water a few weeks ago: On Saturday August 6 2011, Oklahoma received their first rainfall in weeks, but this was not the type…

Why has the gold price plunged this week?

When the regulators want the price of metals to "stabilize" (i.e., go down), they simply raise the margin requirement. Since most of the speculators buy gold and silver with only…

Jobs Exporter for General Electric gets a promotion as Jobs-Exporter-in-Chief

Putting 2 and 2 together, we can see one major reason why we have such a high unemployment problem. GE announced in late July that the company is moving its entire x-ray…

Venezuela requesting delivery of 99 tons of gold from JP Morgan In addition to the nationalization of his gold insutry [industry],…

World Bank Chief warns of economic dangers ahead SYDNEY: World Bank chief Robert Zoellick on Saturday warned of a "new and more dangerous" time…

Nuclear Tests in the 50's and their effects on us today

In the 1950's, the American government enjoyed a very high level of trust by the population. Nationalism and patriotism was at a fever pitch in the aftermath of World War II. The…

Forced Health Insurance ruled unconstitutional A U.S. appeals court ruled Friday that President Obama's health care law requiring Americans to buy health care insurance or face a penalty…

Four European nations ban short-selling of bank stocks

This is very significant, since big money interests have had the power to bring down entire nations through the weapon of short-selling. I think this weapon of mass financial…

TPTB's main enemy today

NOTE: TPTB = "The Powers That Be" TPTB's main enemy today William Wallace - Thu, Aug 11, 2011 - 11:12 AM…

Price manipulation of gold When the price of gold surged past $1800/oz. yesterday,…

Ariel the Lion dies July 27

The July 27 date of this event coincides with the "ascension of Elijah." But the name "Ariel" gives it more significance, because Ariel is a poetic name for Jerusalem, as we see…

Update on the Fukushima nuclear disaster Fukushima nuclear power plant radiation recordings…

Bank of America sued by AIG NEW YORK (Associated Press) -- American International Group Inc. said Monday it…

Dow panics at the sight of Noah On the first day of trading after Standard and Poor's downgraded U.S. credit to AA+…

Dow drops 4.31%

In today's main blog I wrote about the L.A. earthquake on January 17, 1994. It occurred at 4:31 a.m. and it was 4 years and 3 months after the San Francisco quake on Oct. 17,…

Ron Paul introduces bill to cancel debt to the Fed

Supposedly, the debt that the US government owes to the Fed is explained as "we owe it to ourselves." If that is really the case, then why does it not cancel itself out?…