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Arkansas Flu takes another victim It’s hard to survive as a witness testifying against the Clintons. So many…

Robert David Steele interviews former Chief Technical Officer of the NSA

Here is an ex-CIA officer interviewing an ex-NSA official in a very enlightening interview about the illegal and ineffective program of the NSA to collect data on everyone. He…

The International Tribunal for Natural Justice

The ITNJ was first established and ratified on February 14, 2015. The project was launched officially a few months later on June 15, 2015. This was the 800th anniversary of the…

Obama’s mysterious mother (corrected)

Most US presidents are well known. Their background, family history, education, etc. are matters that they are more than willing to tell the world. But President Obama was…

The Pedophilia Battlefield

Pedophilia has been a problem throughout history. But because people are uncomfortable talking about it, this topic is not addressed as much as it should be. Furthermore, since…

Navy scandal and Fat Leonard

A few days ago, while I was flying home from Asia, this report was posted on the Navy corruption scandal. A reader just made me aware of it. It appears that this scandal is real…

Kay Griggs exposes corruption among top military brass

Kay Griggs, former Marine colonel’s wife, talks about military assassin squads, drug running, illegal weapon deals and sexual perversion deep within the highest levels of U.S.…

Top Navy Brass caught in huge bribery scandal

This is an interesting development, if true, reported by Frank Holmes. Can anyone out there verify this report independently?…

Update on Puerto Rico

When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans some years ago, President Bush looked bad when he praised FEMA while the government did a very poor job with the relief effort. Now it…

The suspicious death of Hugh Hefner

Hugh Hefner was the founder of Playboy magazine and was one of the porn kings in America. In many ways he was the public driving force of immorality and the sexual revolution in…

Justin Bieber exposes pedophiles in the music industry

A few months ago I read that Justin Bieber had became a Christian believer. Pray that he will grow to spiritual maturity. He recently cut short his tour, saying he needed to take…

Confessions from the Dark Side

A dying CIA agent confesses to crimes from the Deep State. He says he was the one who organized the demolition of Building 7 shortly after the Twin Towers were demolished.:…

Good news in the US government

In spite of the corruption in governments around the world, there are signs of good things happening in the midst of the bad stuff. Soon after his inauguration, President Trump…

Letter from an ex-CIA officer

This is what he wrote to me recently. He gave me permission to post it:  As the CIA is not a law enforcement organization we could only send our information "up the line."…

The Ronald Bernard story

English voice-over version: 39-minute video Original Dutch version with English subtitles:…

Lucifer's banker turns whistleblower

Bradley C. Birkenfeld blew the whistle on the Swiss high-net worth banking industry--particularly UBS, the largest bank in the world, which is controlled by the Vatican. (Note the…

Pedophilia in high places is hard to prosecute

There are very extensive pedophilia organizations catering to the rich and powerful—and even to church officials—around the world. But it is very difficult to prosecute these…

Wikileaks show who solicited campaign funds from Russia

Here is a short but very revealing video showing screen shots of emails and documents soliciting funds from Russia. Guess who did it? Hint: It wasn’t Donald Trump.…

Pedophilia in Washington, mass arrests beginning

In the past ten days, and with the recent inauguration of President Trump, law enforcement agencies are now being set free to arrest pedophile rings. FBI and other law enforcement…

Fake News Whistleblower dies of apparent heart attack

German journalist, Udo Ulfkotte, has died of an apparent heart attack at the age of 56. If I recall, I posted his u-tube confession more than a year ago. Here is his 13-minute…