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A short history of contentious conclaves Vatican watchers say the conclave about to be…

Washington National Cathedral to host gay marriages soon WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington National Cathedral,…

Hedge fund managers betting against Eurozone The Eurozone is in trouble, according to some very big hedge fund…

News from the world battle front

A lot has happened since my trip began. First, it appears that a lot of suppressed technology has been released to the governments of the world, presumably to publicize free…

The Arab Spring, its cause and consequences

Last year I posted a link where in 2001 General Wesley Clark talked about the American government's plan to bring about the so-called "Arab Spring." These plans included the…

History: The Bank of Canada Act of 1934

Here is a 25-minute video of the history of the Bank of Canada Act of 1934 which established that the Canadian Government has the right to create its own money. As a result,…

Trouble at TBN?

Paul Crouch's granddaughter speaks of corruption at TBN. "Trinity Broadcasting Network’s president and founder Paul Crouch…

Obama's presidency predicted in 1980

A French psychic in 1980 discusses the next 30 years from then until 2012. He doesn't get it all right, but he got enough of it right to make this an interesting view. Especially…

A new unholy alliance--Monsanto, Blackwater, and Microsoft

A new unholy alliance--Monsanto, Blackwater, and Microsoft:

The Church-Rothschild Unholy Alliance

"The Holy Alliance" of 1815 was preceded by a rather unholy alliance many years earlier between the Jesuits and the Freemasons. The popes themselves denounced the Freemasons…

Foreclosure Fraud Whistleblower found dead Tracy Lawrence, the notary public who blew the whistle on a massive foreclosure…

George Green interview and my comment George was an insider in the financial and political realm in the 1970's. He knew many heads of state and other top…

Whistleblowers Beware If you expose bankers' crimes, you could be the target of a hit and run.

Health Care Bill Gives Government the power to Microchip You It appears that the Health Care bill (Sec. 2521,…

New North American Currency Photos--NOT the Amero

Want to see some new Fed currency that is due to be circulated in a year or so? It's comparable to the Euro and will not necessarily replace the current Fed notes. But it is…

Report on 60 Minutes re the Effects of the 1976 Swine Flu shots

This was aired only once. Keep in mind that if the current swine flu shots affect you negatively, the government will deny all responsibility for its actions. It's part of…

There's a Hook in the Government Bait

One might think that the government's new program of "cash for clunkers" is a great idea. Certainly, it seems so popular that a lot of people are rushing out to trade in their…

The Biggest Government Scam since the Federal Reserve Act

Many cities and states in all layers of government, from local municipals to state to federal, keep two sets of books of their financial statements. The first is the "woe is me"…

The Three Branches of Government

Education isn't what it used to be, but back in the Middle Ages, when I was in school, we were taught that the American form of government consisted of three branches. It was…