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DNC woes

Remember the chaos at the Democratic National Convention last July when the DNC chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was forced to resign? A hacker published one of her emails…

Child Sex-Trafficking through Child Protection Services exposed

This report is just the tip of the iceberg. It is being reported that the government’s “Child Protection Services” is a criminal organization that often sells children to the…

Babylonian logic in population control

Dr. Eric Pianka is an honored expert who advocates killing off most of humanity with ebola. A man who heard him speak had this to say: I watched in amazement as a few hundred…

Underlying motives behind the porn industry

The pornography industry in America (Hollywood in particular) is not a nice topic, but we need to be aware of its pushers and their motives. Some are simply in it for the money,…

How they rig the stock market

Let’s put it in terms that a horse-and-buggy person can understand. You live in Bethlehem and hear about a block of stock that you want to buy at the Trading desk in Jerusalem.…

JPMorgan's Day Just Got Worse: Must Refund $309M To Credit Card Customers

I didn't hear that JP Morgan fired anyone yet for masterminding this fraud program. They may yet have need of his or her talents for future illegal operations.…

JP Morgan, alias The Morgue, to pay $920 million in fines and face criminal charges

JP Morgan is being fined again, this time close to a billion dollars. This time they are being forced to admit wrongdoing, which means that criminal charges will be filed against…

The barometer of society's virtue

This is an interesting quotation. Money is not the barometer of all virtue, but there is much truth in it. “Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue. When you see that…

More Illegal government surveillance exposed

No wonder the NSA is upset. One by one, its secret illegal activities are being exposed, thanks to some of the people who work in those very programs. Some of their employees, who…

Africa rejects Obama's attempt to export gay rights

Sin is America's biggest export. Unfortunately, America also has the economic clout to push its own sin upon other nations. But Africa is pushing back.…

NSA bugged European Union offices, too

The NSA claims to have done nothing illegal in their spying activities on the American people. Of course, they had to stretch the Patriot Act to make it legal. And, of…

Snowden leaves Hong Kong

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has flown from Hong Kong to Russia, this report says, and may be heading to Venezuela because it is a country that is not afraid to stand up to…

Flight 800 cover up exposed

We seem to be getting a scandal every week now. This is one more reason not to trust any official report coming from a government agency. For many years, alternate internet…

William Binney, another NSA whistleblower speaks out "They're all heading towards a fascist,…

Three NSA whistleblowers who failed are now vindicated

The USA TODAY reports that there were three other NSA whistleblowers who tried to warn their superiors, congress, and even the media about the unconstitutional surveillance…

Obama's popularity drops after NSA scandal

President Obama has come out in defense of the NSA, insisting that the mass surveillance of all telephone calls, emails, and all electronic use ought to be monitored and recorded…

Yahoo tried to fight the NSA's PRISM in court

YAHOO tried to fight the NSA's demand for information in their surveillance of Americans in PRISM, but lost the case, mostly due to the so-called Patriot Act, along with the FISA…

Big banks exposed again for rigging currency markets

It's getting harder and harder to find a day when we are free of one more exposure of the Babylonian system. This time it is Bloomberg News that is exposing the big banks as they…

NSA Whistleblower speaks out from refuge in Hong Kong

Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower who exposed the unlawful or unconstitutional actions of the NSA last week, gives his reasons in a short interview by video:…

2.5 million secret bank files leaked, exposing the super wealthy and their politicians

It appears that thousands of secret offshore bank accounts totalling as much as $32 TRILLION are being exposed by Wikileaks--accounts held by the ultra rich, politicians, lawyers,…