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Ariel Signs

Last Monday, May 6, three women escaped after being held captive for many years in Cleveland, Ohio. They had been kidnapped as children. Charged with kidnapping and sexual abuse…

New York Times reports huge US govt bribery

What is the biggest source of corruption in the Afghan government? Drug money? Taliban? al qaeda? Nope. It's the the ol' US of A. So says the New York Times. It appears that…

Mass murder of babies goes unnoticed--USA Today

With all the media coverage of anti-gun legislation, designed to protect young children, is it not a bit hypocritical that the media refuses to cover the story of the abortion…

Was Syrian President Assad assassinated? The president [of Syria] was reportedly shot dead by his Iranian bodyguard, then taken to a Damascus hospital, as roads were…

Cyprus banks closed until next week They know that the people are just waiting for the banks to reopen so that they can take out…

The Cyprus bank confiscation could topple banking system

Forbes has just published an article stating the seriousness of the decision in Cyprus to tax people's savings. They say, "The Cyprus bank bailout could be a disastrous precedent.…

Iraq/Kuwait border issue resolved

The UN sanctions against Iraq, imposed in August 1990, have been kept in place until Iraq settles all of its major issues with Kuwait. The last of these major issues is the border…

Peter Erdo, another papal contender Erdo, 60, is considered the European frontrunner to become the next pope, sources close to Benedict XVI’s entourage said last month.…

Who will be the next pope? Pope Betting Has Ghana’s Turkson in Lead Turkson’s journey…

Chavez as a possible sign

Here is a response from a reader suggesting that the death of Hugo Chavez is a sign of the fall of the red dragon. I wanted to write to you about the death of Hugo Chavez. My…

Hugo Chavez dies

The president of Venezuela died today. He had a lot of enemies among the oil companies, the Koch brothers, Pat Robertson, and even the Heinz company, owned by the wife of our new…

Report: Pope Benedict seeking immunity from Italian government

This is a report dated February 14. This is the main URL: This is a direct link to the report:…

Another top banker arrested (Reuters) - Italian police arrested on Thursday the former head of Monte dei Paschi's…

Did an arrest warrant force Pope Benedict's resignation?

New information has surfaced in regard to the recent resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, which he announced on February 11 and which will take effect in the evening of February 28.…

Candidates for Peter the Roman

Yesterday, Pope Benedict XVI announced his early retirement, shocking much of the world. Within a few hours, lightning struck the basilica in the Vatican. That is an…

Pope Benedict announces retirement VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Benedict XVI announced Monday that he would resign on…

St. Paul's Wall Street floods

On January 3, 2013 a three-foot water pipe broke in downtown Minneapolis, sending a river of water down the streets of the city. We saw this as a sign of the flood of water coming…

Pope's dove attacked by secular seagull

I'm not sure that this has any serious meaning, but I thought it was humorous.