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Russia vs Babylon on morality

Mr. Putin of Russia appears to have a very different idea about the government's role in establishing Christian morality in the legal structure of the nation. No wonder the…

Aborted babies sold in pill form

One of the judgments of God for worshiping false gods is found in Deuteronomy 28:53, "then you shall eat the offspring of your own body, the flesh of your sons and of your…

Computer hackers disillusioned by the NSA spy programs

It appears that the NSA is having a difficult time hiring the "best and brightest" computer hackers these days. It is one of the consequences of the NSA's persecution of Edward…

Angel sighted in Missouri?

Missouri has had some severe weather lately. A bad car accident occurred, and the rescue workers received some mysterious but welcome help.…

US vs Russia in Egyptian politics

Debkafile, the Israeli intelligence outlet, describes clearly who is backing who in the situation with Egypt.…

Philip's Tomb discovered in Turkey

Archeologists have announced the discovery of Philip's tomb. They say it is proven by the writings on the walls of a newly-excavated church.…

Elisha's home discovered?

This looks like an Elisha sign to me.

The Sun in Spain competes unfairly with the power companies

Proving that idiocy truly has no bounds, Spain issued a "royal decree" taxing  sunlight gatherers. The state threatens fines as much as 30 million euros for  those who illegally…

Prince George Alexander Louis

July is like September. That is a revelation from 30+ years ago. It is mostly because July is our 7th month, while September (in Latin) means "seventh month." It also roughly…

This seems strangely appropriate

Flower, anyone? I wonder what kind of people the Capitol in Washington D.C. is trying to attract?…

Snowden nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

It sounds like America's reputation among the nations has taken a big hit. Is the NSA (and the US gov't itself) at fault for its evil deeds? or is Edward Snowden at fault for…

Fukushima's freaky new veggies

HEADLINE: 2 years after nuclear disaster, Japan spawns freaky fruits and veggies…

An Australian resurrection sign…

Russia passes anti-gay bill unanimously

Remember when President George W. Bush said that other nations were fighting us because they hate our way of life? This article adds new meaning to this. Perhaps this is why…

Phone scandal wakes up many people

The government is running scared, now that the details of the so-called "Patriot Act" have been exposed.…

Canadian Defense Minister officially recognizes extra-terrestrial beings and the Cabal's shadow government

The Hon. Paul Hellyer gives testimony a few days ago in a government hearing that Celestials (extra-terrestrial beings) not only exist but two of them are presently working with…

Government spying through Verizon

Eric holder's Justice Department was recently caught spying on the media--and perhaps anyone who is critical of the government for proving itself unworthy of our trust. Now it has…

Last Chance over NYC

Big message with few words posted in the sky above New York:…