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Mattis names new judge for military tribunals at Guantanamo

The Secretary of Defense has appointed Col. Douglas Watkins to replace retiring Col. James Pohl as the judge for ongoing military tribunals at Guantanamo. Many have not known…

Soros’ mourns the loss of the New World Order

When men like George Soros are unhappy with the way the world is going, it is probably good news for those who prefer a non-Babylonian world order. It appears that the World of…

Top FBI lawyer, James Baker testifies to Congress

Here is a news article that is sure to cause more panic among the Democrats. James Comey can probably feel the noose tightening around his neck already. James Baker was in on the…

The nation’s top voting machine maker admits rigging

Q has been promising to enforce the integrity of the coming Midterm election. Perhaps this exposure is evidence of this. Certainly, they would hardly admit rigging the system…

Pope Francis' dwindling popularity in America

A revolution is brewing among Catholics. Confidence in Pope Francis Down Sharply in U.S.…

New NAFTA agreement

The big trade agreements really began in 1994 in the wake of our original prayer campaign called the Jubilee Prayer Campaign (November 1993). We understood at the time that the…

Barack Obama euthenized

A horse named Barack Obama was euthanized in France on September 14 after being treated for kidney stones. The news article was written the next day.…

Tsunami in Indonesia

A 7.5 Richter earthquake struck Indonesia yesterday, causing a tsunami, which swept into Palu City, Donggala, and Mumuju, sweeping away hundreds of people, perhaps thousands.…

Will there be another FBI investigation of Kavanaugh?

If the Democrats are appeased with an FBI investigation of the allegations leveled against Brett Kavanaugh, how would this help the situation? The FBI cannot prosecute anyone or…

Why so many are afraid of Kavanaugh

The original fear was that Kavanaugh might be the deciding vote to overturn Roe v Wade and disrupt the Molech’s abortion industry. But there is actually a more pressing problem…

Trump administration cancels FDA's contract to buy aborted baby parts

Most you know that the abortion industry makes money on selling baby parts. The Trump administration is taking steps to stop encouraging such a practice.…

German Catholic Church scandals

Recently, the Catholic church in Pennsylvania was investigated, and more than a thousand victims of child sex abuse were uncovered and exposed. Now it appears that a similar…

Rosenstein update

Update 3: The White House has finally weighed in on the Rosenstein "is he in or out" controversy. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has said that Rosenstein will meet with Trump on…

Rod Rosenstein resigns

The Daily Mail is reporting that Rosenstein has resigned verbally and is on his way to the White House to present his formal resignation to President Trump.…

Arch of Baal in Washington DC A reproduction of the…

John Kerry violates the Logan Act

Ever since President Obama decided to openly ignore immigration laws passed by congress (and voted in by both parties!), a new precedent has been set. Now former Secretary of…

Hurricane Florence makes landfall in NC The center of Hurricane Florence has smashed into…

An Egyptian view of John McCain

Senator John McCain died August 25, 2018. Q wrote on August 27: “He did not depart on his own terms.” In Egypt they seem to know that McCain was the “real Supreme Guide of…

The dangers of exposing elite pedophilia

One more casualty in the war of truth. A former police…