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Trump gives the Hammonds a Jubilee on July 9/10

President Trump surprised everyone when he pardoned Dwight Hammond and his son Steven after their conviction in a so-called “arson” case in Oregon. As ranchers, they started…

The Walk Away Movement

The Democratic Party is losing its membership rather quickly, mostly due to its aversion to free speech and its promotion of violence against those who disagree with them. This…

Deutsche Bank's US unit fails stress test

Deutsche Bank continues to have bad news. Deutsche Bank's US division has failed the second round of the Federal Reserve's…

Bilderbergers meet in Turin, Italy

Remember when the existence of the Bilderbergers was just a conspiracy theory? I am old enough to remember those days. Many were ridiculed as crackpots and conspiracy theorists…

The spying scandal

The latest scandal to hit the DC swamp is how the CIA, FBI, and NSA teamed up on President Obama’s orders to place some spies in the Trump campaign. I watched an interview with…

Mueller ending attempt to indict Trump

It appears that Rudy Giuliani has been telling Mueller that he does not have the power to indict a sitting president. That precedent was set many years ago, so even if Mueller did…

How will the Collapse of Babylon affect the Church?

Here is a sign that occurred in Sao Paolo, Brazil on May 1, 2018 just as the Jericho battle was beginning. This is a report/video about the fiery collapse of a 26-story…

Peace in Korea

Trump’s peace initiative with North Korea has started with peace talks between the leaders of North and South Korea. Today the two leaders ended their initial talks, pledging…

Alison Mack, the tip of the pedophilia iceberg

SESTA law shuts down sex-trafficking sites online

Finally, we have a president that is leading the fight against sex-trafficking. A previous law passed in 1996 gave many sex-trafficking websites “immunity from prosecution.”…

Hollywood to Holywood?

Jim Caviezel When Mel Gibson made a phone call to Jim Caviezel to ask him to play the role of Jesus in his 2004 movie, The Passion of the Christ, Jim had no idea how filming…

Netflix promotes cannibalism seasoned with comedy

I had an email today from a friend/reader in California, who writes this: Netflix also has an original series called Santa Clara Diet, it’s trying to popularize the idea of…

Professional atheist advocates cannibalism Professional atheist Richard Dawkins continues to push…

The US Senate wants answers

In light of the FISA memo’s revelations, which are soon to be released for public viewing, The senate is asking a few politicians for responses to the things revealed about them…

Incompetence or coverup?

In 2016 the FBI mistakenly sent Hillary’s laptop computer out in the mail. No one seems to know who they sent it to. Perhaps it was lost in the mail? No such address? Maybe it was…

Trump declares January 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking PREVENTION month

As a nice follow-up to his December 20 Executive Order against extreme human rights abuses, President Trump on December 29 declared January 2018 to be National Slavery and Human…

A casualty of war

George Soros is one of the main visible players funding and directing the Babylonian world order. A bold and popular Swedish journalist was getting ready to expose him. Now he is…

Bundy case ends in mistrial, as judge cites FBI committed perjury multiple times Whatever happened to the FBI’s reputation for integrity?