Jul 2006
One of the most important keys to understanding Bible prophecy is to know the difference between Israel and Judah. The name of "…
Jul 2006
At the end of 1 Thess. 4, the Apostle Paul talks about Christ's coming, and then immediately in chapter 5 he speaks of "a t…
Jul 2006
David Postman, writing an article for the Seattle Times, is now reporting that Newt Gingrich believes that World War III has sta…
Jul 2006
Because of technical difficulties, I was unable to do a weblog earlier in the day. I only have a short time in the afternoon, be…
Jul 2006
The Bible says that God "chose" Abraham, telling him in Gen. 12:3 that "in you and in your descendants all the families of the e…
Jul 2006
On June 28, 2006 we held a prayer campaign called "He Cares." It was, in part, to counter the Bohemian Club's "Cremation of Care…
Jul 2006
We are now ready to deal with the most perplexing question concerning the problem of Evil. It is the problem of liability for Ad…
Jul 2006
Some of you may have thought that my last web log diverted from the theme at hand, since I dealt with the duration and nature of…