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The 1995 Quake in Kobe, Japan

When we held the Jubilee Prayer Campaign, we had the insight that since we were dealing with the overthrow of Mystery Babylon, we could well see a significant sign of its…

The Jubilees Applied Today

The key correlation by which we may calculate the years from Adam with our modern Gregorian calendar is this: 3042 years from Adam = 853 B.C. Once we have made that…

Final Thoughts on 2010

Now that I have given some prophetic background of the year 2010, it might be helpful to step back and look at the year from this new perspective. Combining prophecy with the…

A New Revelation of 390 Years

Over Saturday morning, I had an epiphany while meditating on the Word. It dawned on me that from the time that the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 to the year 2010 was…

Prophetic Linear Measurements

Some years ago, as I was driving and through Montana and praying as I went, I suddenly made the connection in Revelation 11 about prophetic time and linear measurements.…

Babylon and the Israeli State

I discovered in 1991 that the Israeli state had been founded on Cursed Time--the factor of 414, which I explained fully in my book, Secrets of Time. (It is posted online for all…

Follow-up on Iran

Some have found that the Super Bowl each year tends to be prophetic. Because the teams and cities carry a lot of symbolism it has been fun and interesting to try to predict the…

Bribing God

The Lord gave me a Word yesterday to write about "Prosperity," but not until later in the day did I get the inspiration to actually know what to write. Interestingly, I came…

An Interesting Horse Sign

On Oct. 31, 2006 an unexpected weather pattern flooded parts of the Netherlands, and about 200 horses were stranded on a small island. Eighteen of them drowned before rescue.…

Prophecy by Dennis Cramer

Once in a while I post links to other web sites that have articles that I believe are of interest and benefit to you. This should never be taken to mean that I subscribe to all…

Various Prophecies for 2007

Every year we hear various prophecies about the coming year. I thought it might be of interest for me to comment upon some of them. Keep in mind that in the reports, it is not…

Haggai's Prophecy of Blessing and Shaking

In Haggai 2:18 and 19 we read, " (18) Do consider from this day onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month; from the day when the temple of the Lord was founded,…

Former Pastor Ted Haggard

A number of you have seen a connection between Hagar and Haggard and wondered if there is anything to this. Years ago, I would have thought the connection was ridiculous, but I…

Lazarus: The Seventh Sign

Each year since 1999-2000 we have noted how the miracle-signs in the Gospel of John reveal something of the divine plan year by year. These signs overlay the seven vials of wine,…

The Preparation Year: 2006

Calendars throughout history have each had their own starting points for the year. There is another that I work with most of the time, which I call "The Prophetic Year." It begins…

A Time of Unprecedented Disaster

It is quite normal that the Lord speaks to me in the morning as I awake to give me the theme of each day's web log. Today I awoke with the word, "We are entering a time of…

Christ's Coming: Timing Clue

In the past week I have discussed the coming of Christ to the disciples in the middle of the lake (Matt. 14, John 6). I showed that the storm represented tribulation, and that the…

The "Red Sea" Sign

Early morning of Feb. 3, 2006 the ferry known as al-Salam 98 sank in the Red Sea with over 1400 passengers aboard, most of them Egyptians. About 800 of them drowned. This…

Jeremy Lopez Prophetic Word for the Church in 2006

Jeremy Lopez had a prophetic word for the church recently that I thought was good. It was posted on a web site: Destroying the Church "Fix"…

Prophecy Watch: What about 2006?

Our question here is what to expect for the feast of Tabernacles in October 2006. In other words, is it feasible from our present perspective to think that there is a good…