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A New Look at Babylon's Overthrow

Last night as my wife and I were praying, I asked (as usual) if He had anything to say. I usually start with that, whereas in my earlier years I had always gotten my own matters…

His Lips are on the Horn

Here is letter that I received from a long-time friend in Maryland. . . In the last week of July 2009, a neighbor had an interesting experience as she drove to work. As…

Competing Beasts Prepare the Way for the Kingdom

The current financial crisis, I believe, is a primary symptom of the collapse of Mystery Babylon. I have written often of this. However, the mechanism of this collapse appears to…

A Prophetic Dream Being Fulfilled Now?

On Feb. 6, 1986 I had a dream that I actually remembered. I seldom get significant dreams. I can count the significant dreams on one hand. But this was one that I wrote down…

Prophetic Time Connections to 1929

On 2/25/09 in the Weblog entitled: That Great Citi Pronounced Dead, I wrote: It may be that March 4, 2009 will prove to be the key date in our Citibank watch. This date is…

Fast Days #3 and #4

Late night on Feb. 2, I received an additional Word from the Lord in regard to this present time of fasting. 1. Psalm 97:11 (for the overcomers) "Light is sown like seed for…

Fast Day #2

This is the second day of a week-long fast that parallels a similar fast from Feb. 1-7, 1983. The watch date given to me two nights ago was February 9. This morning I was able…

Fast Day #1

About a week ago, the Lord impressed upon me to fast and pray from Feb. 1-7. This is Day 1. All I knew at the time was that this time ran parallel to the same dates in 1983…

Comments on Presidential Repentance

Since the late 1990's, I have expected to see President Bush repent in a manner similar to what President Clinton did at the Congressional Prayer Breakfast on Sept. 11, 1998.…

No One Buys Their Cargoes Any More--Rev. 18:11

Notice from this report that overseas cargoes have dropped 93% just since last June. If this isn't an indication of Rev. 18:11, I don't know what is.…

The Tabernacles Church Established

Dispensationalism has divided time into various ages. My way of doing this is different, for it is based upon the feast days of Israel and, I think, is based upon a better…

Jesus is the Light of the World

I want to add a few thoughts to Pete's blog that was just posted. John the baptist said that Jesus was the Light of the world, and that he (John) was called to bear witness of…

The Number of the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

With all the talk about the mark of the beast and the number of his name, most people are familiar with 666, but they know little or nothing about the mark of Christ or the number…

The Current 76-day Cycle

As I have explained in the past, each year at this time we observe two 76-day cycles back to back. These cycles start some time after the feast of Tabernacles, often in late…

America in the Next Few Years

It now appears certain that the "powers-that-think-they-be" have decided to shift their power base from America to other parts of the world. In doing so, they have decided to…

The Number 666 Appears on November 5

Everyone voted in the presidential election on November 4. Late that night we learned that Illinois Senator Barack Obama won the election. For all practical purposes, he did not…

The Fourth Bowl of Wine on the Sun

The year 2003 saw the invasion of Iraq called in America "Shock 'n Awe." This name was not taken at random. In the Israeli state it was called "Operation Shekinah." The word…

The Circumcision of Washington

In early October of 2002, Vanita called me from Pennsylvania and asked me to pray about a word she was getting in regard to praying at the Washington Monument in Washington D.C.…

Opposition to the New Jerusalem

The transfer of Kingdom authority, applied to our time, signified two things on different levels. First, there was a transfer of authority from the Church under Pentecost (i.e.,…

The Coming of Peniel

Many significant events occur each year, and their relevance is usually revealed by the way they connect with other events on specific time cycles. Time has a way of connecting…