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27% of Americans think their government is the enemy

A recent Pew Research Center poll tells us: 27% of registered voters believe the US government is their enemy. 57% are frustrated with the government. 22% are angry.…

The true source of Washington's Power

The next time you read about “the powers that be,” you will know the source of their power.…

US says Edward Snowden won’t be tortured if he returns to face trial

This is an interesting development in the Snowden whistleblower saga. In a recent interview with the BBC, Edward Snowden disclosed that he has offered numerous times to the…

Is the Fed about to crash the economy?

Catherine Austin Fitts is a former Assistant Secretary of Housing for the Bush 41 administration in 1989. She learned that the government was moving toward the place where the…

The American Way is the wrong way

The US government, being increasingly dominated by the big corporations, has begun to exhibit their same dog-eat-dog competitive practice. It is not enough for them to rise to…

Another reason to home school children

The government is slowly forcing Christian parents to choose between allowing schools to indoctrinate their children in government-approved immorality or to home school their…

Testimony of Revival in High School

This is the testimony of Natalie Imperial, daughter of Vincent Imperial in Pensacola, Florida. It was sent to me today, and I thought it would be good to share it with you. It…

Princeton University professor recognizes US ruled by oligarchs

Bill Engdahl wrote this article (credits at the bottom). I too have concluded that America is run by oligarchs—the same type as seen in Russia and Ukraine. That is why I have used…

What the elections will mean in America

Yesterday’s elections were more of a referendum against President Obama than an affirmation of Republican issues. Even the candidates of both parties recognized this. That is why…

The fake Russian attack on Ukraine

Here is a news article with the headline: US, NY Times caught faking Russian forces in Ukraine…

Supreme Court allows police state

Two hundred years ago, the founders of this country separated the army from domestic law enforcement—now known as the police. The army was to be used to defend the country from…

Is this the next Fed chairman?

Yesterday, April 29, Stanley Fischer was approved by the Senate banking committee to be the second in command at the Federal Reserve. Fischer is a dual US-Israeli citizen, who had…

Moving closer to war

Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under Ronald Reagan, gives an analysis of the US government’s policy that has caused the crisis…

The American Council on Foreign Bribery

The US government has been bribing foreign government officials for a very long time. In past years they kept it secret, of course, knowing that the American public would not…

JP Morgan shuts down porn stars’ bank accounts

The banking giant has decided to give the appearance of righteousness. This seems totally out…

Possible Passover sign

Patrick Buchanan, speech writer for President Reagan, is alerting us to Senate bill S1881, backed mostly by the Republican war party, which practically ensures a war with Iran. It…

Approval ratings for Democrats falling

After eight years of George Bush's war-and-torture ideology, the people turned to Democrat Barack Obama, who promised "change." But the more things change, the more they stay…

NSA spying on friendly nations brings worldwide resentment

It is no wonder the US government and its spy networks are so angry with Edward Snowden. They do not want their sins plastered on the front pages of the media. They have no…

Hey, Uncle Babel, are your ears burning?

It appears that the new NSA spy center in Utah is going up in flames. The National…

Beware of signing up for Obamacare

If you are among those who plan to sign up for Obamacare, be sure you go to a proper website, or you may find your identity stolen and your bank account too. John McAfee, who…