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Odds and Ends in America

From The International Forecaster (Bob Chapman), To help us understand exactly what's going on, and why debt loads that have been growing for years have suddenly become…

Update on the Restore America Plan Remember hearing of all those letters sent to state governors telling them to resign from the…

Will America Default in the Summer of 2009?

Here's a study that believes America will default on its loans in 2009. That means they will be unable to pay people who want cash for their bonds that mature at that time.…

De-Foley-ating Washington in 1994

When we held the Jubilee Prayer Campaign from Nov. 21-29, 1993, we appealed to the Divine Court to transfer the authority of the birthright from Mystery Babylon to the overcomers.…

The State of the Church in America

Charles Fillmore has proven to be one of the most influential forces in the modern Church in America. His promotion of "Scientific Christianity" has resulted in the enthronement…

The Rise of Secular Religion in America

In the late 1700's there arose an interest in science. The invention of the cotton gin in the 1790's single handedly made slavery profitable again in America and ensured that…

New Millennial Ideas That Have Shaped America

When America was first established in the late 1700's, there were many Christian preachers who taught that this nation was the fifth kingdom of Daniel--that is, the Stone Kingdom.…

Who Changed the Stars on our Flag?

When I was in grade school, we were asked to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. The flag that we faced had on it 50 stars, each with five points, with…

America's Spiritual Condition

It is now clear that the Iraqi people's concern about America is well founded. They have said all along that America plans to remain in Iraq and dominate its government, as it has…

Is it a Hate Crime to Believe the Bible?

There is a disturbing side effect to President Bush's Iraq War policy. It is serving to purge the political base of the Republican Party of all except the most Zionist of…

America at the Red Sea

President Bush's speech yesterday was described as a "painful" experience by veteran news reporter, Daniel Schorr. He said it was painful to watch the president have to admit that…

American Justice and Politics

On the BBC News last evening, they reported a recent poll taken worldwide in which they asked if torture was acceptable as a government policy. In Europe, 72 percent of the people…

The Consequences of a Secular America

America's unique place in history is in the fact that it took the biblical principles of equality from the Protestant Reformation and incorporated them into a theory of government.…

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