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Million bikers descend on Washington

If you watch the one-minute video toward the end of the article below, take note of the police car welcoming the endless stream of bikers with lights and siren, as well as the…

Syria agrees to chemical weapons plan

The Syrian crisis is being resolved very quickly now, and the US government is fast losing its excuse to bring about Albert Pike's plan for World War III.…

White House admits it has no real proof Assad was at fault in the chemical attack in Syria

White House Chief of Staff, Denis McDonough, admits that the US government has no real proof that the Syrian government is at fault in the recent chemical attack. He says we just…

University of Illinois Law Professor calls for Obama's impeachment on September 9

I don't expect this to get any traction in Congress. After all, the War Party and the Whore Party seem to agree on starting World War III in spite of overwhelming public…

US military incredulous about war with Syria

Many in the military, even top generals, are advising against a military strike against Syria. They can hardly believe we would even consider such a plan while still engaged in…

NSA read emails from presidents of Brazil and Mexico

So it wasn't just Britain, Germany, Russia, and France! President Obama said (or was told) that the NSA does not actually read the emails that it gathers in its spy program.…

The USA eagle has crash landed

Somehow this seems to be a sign of the times. Considering the USA's soon-coming military venture into Syria, it makes me wonder what is in store. Read the article and watch the…

Windows 8 in bed with the NSA

If enough people boycott Windows 8, it would get the message across. That is the best way to protest.…

More admissions, NSA admits to gathering emails

It seems that the government is becoming one big spy agency in its paranoid attempt to retain power and prevent a slave revolt.…

SWAT team rescues us from organic okra A small organic farm in Arlington, Texas, was the target of a massive…

NSA breaks the privacy laws thousands of times each year

This probably wouldn't be so bad if the government could be trusted with increased power. But the founding fathers themselves did not trust governments, so they built in…

Post Office spies for the government WASHINGTON — The Postal Service on Friday confirmed that it takes a…

Maryland's Rain Tax

A few years ago an Oregon man went to prison for having a pond on his property, because it contained rainwater that had fallen on his property--rainwater that the state claimed…

Congress used to pay the legal expenses of whistleblowers

One of America's first whistleblowers was in 1777. Some men exposed Commodore Hopkins, who was torturing British soldiers during the Revolutionary War. Hopkins sued, and Congress…

USSA--United Surveillance States of America

We can thank Edward Snowden for putting Surveillance back into the American street vocabulary. Now AOL news is reporting how every car with a license plate is being tracked…

Christian Russia and Atheist America

O how times change. During most of the 20th century, the Soviet Union tried to stamp out Christianity and establish an atheist state. Christian patriots in America, meanwhile,…

Government should prioritize better

I question the government's priorities. GAO: $100 Billion Wasted on…

Edward Snowden reveals all-seeing SAURON eye in the sky Snowden unveils NSA Satellite SAURON Program targeting Citizens By…