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Obama administration tries scrambles to save Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood

Last year Prime Minister Morsi came to office. He was the candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood. This occurred after the US covert operation succeeded in sparking the so-called…

President Obama's classmates at Columbia University never saw him

Wayne Allen Root was a Columbia graduate of '83, same as President Obama. He just attended his 30th class reunion, which the President did not attend, nor did he acknowledge with…

NSA gag order on internet companies

When the NSA suveillance scandal hit the news last week, most of the big internet companies denied that they were participating in the NSA program. But now we are being told that…

The Media turns on the Babylonians

We have often wondered if the "media" portion of Media-Persia would turn out to be the media--as in the journalists. The recent action of the US government's so-called…

Baby snipper found guilty

Video of May 2nd slow-motion snowstorm in MN The video was taken in owatonna, MN, which received 15 inches of…

Eric Holder admits criminal banks too big to prosecute When the Attorney General of the United States admits some banks are simply too big to…

America's black eye WASHINGTON -- The U.S. counterterrorism practice known as extraordinary…

Prophecy and prayer for America at the inaugural prayer breakfast January 21, 2013

At this prayer breakfast, Jonathan Cahn recounts Israel's history from blessing to its destruction, showing how America has followed the same path. I believe that the words in…

Redefining marriage in Illinois

As America continues to reject God's right to rule the nations in accordance with His law, the bankrupt state of Illinois presses on with the agenda to destroy ("redefine")…

Sandy Hook fundraiser begins three days before shooting Technology is getting better and better these days. And there's nothing better than getting…

Warning from AAA not to use E-15 fuel in your car

It will probably void your car warranty. The government has pushed this in order to increase corn sales for farmers, but did not test it properly. Experts and car companies…

The race that changed everything This is an interesting piece of history about one of the first auto races in history (1901). Henry Ford won the race, and that success…

The gun control agenda

Here is an interesting perspective from Russia as the author looks at how the Communists a century ago imposed gun control on the Russian people.…

Judge strikes down NDAA's indefinite detention of US citizens MANHATTAN (CN) - A federal judge on Wednesday permanently blocked the U.S. military from enforcing a law allowing it to…

Newt Gingrich Article on the Ground Zero Mosque

Statement on the Proposed “Cordoba House” Mosque near Ground Zero Newt Gingrich July 21, 2010 6pm There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are…

America's First Mega-Church--The US Capitol Building

This is plain history. Thomas Jefferson went to Church in the new US Capitol building in Washington D.C. and even ordered the US Marine Band to play their Church music.…

Tim Turner, Interim President of Republic United States The Restore America Plan reached new heights last week by electing and…