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Tony Salmon dies September 4

For those who knew Tony, I thought I should post this notice from his web site: I was scheduled to speak at a conference he was…

Christchurch Quake exposes sandy foundations

Here is an email I received from Troy, who lives in New Zealand. Just thought I would let you know that one of the outcomes of the Christchurch quake has been the exposing of…

Gold spikes to $3400 per ounce briefly

It looks like a single buyer of gold made a single purchase, paying $3400/ounce today. Then the price dropped back down to the normal range in order to keep the price…

Coming Watch Dates

An alert reader did some calculations that should be passed on so that you can be more watchful in the days ahead. On Sept. 11, 1999 we celebrated Jesus' 2000th birthday at…


I have my final eye examination this morning, so the weblog will be a little late. My eyes have been doing well, except that I do need sunglasses outside more than before.…

Reports from others re barley

In regard to our work of casting barley into the headwaters on July 9, reports have been coming in from others involved from afar. California Bob 2 reports that on the evening…

Update on my new eyes

It has been a week now since my second eye surgery. I have a doctor's appointment this morning to check this second eye. So far everything has gone very well. My eyes do tend…

Some Personal Things

After having eye surgery yesterday, I slept much of the day and had a good night's sleep as well. Today my eye feels near normal, and later this morning I will be going to the…


I had the second cataract removed (left eye) this morning, so I am somewhat incapacitated today. I have a follow-up checkup tomorrow morning as well. Then Friday we will be going…

Correction on yesterday's Celestine Link

Sorry, yesterday's link to the material on Pope Celestine was incorrect. I have now made the correction. Here it is again:

New Vision

I went to the eye doctor this morning and had a cataract removed from my right eye. It went well, but had to rest my eyes when I got home. I hope to be back to the office…

Jubilee Event in Oklahoma

If any of you are in Oklahoma, you might be interested in a Jubilee event scheduled for July 4th. I will not be able to attend this, because I have other appointments, but (United…

An Old Man's Testimony That's life in a Jewish kingdom. This is what America and many Christians support. When the Lord of the vineyard returns, what will…

Tornado Alley

Some of you may have seen the news that Minnesota reported about 35 tornados last evening. The previous record, set in 1992, was just 27. The weather front moved from west to…

The True King of Britain

In the 1400's, King Edward IV of Britain was thought by many to be illegitimate, because in the 5-week period that he was conceived, his "father" was in France fighting a war.…

Personal News and more

Wisconsin Conference We're getting ready to go to Green Bay, WI for a week end prophecy conference. Being the only speaker, I will be working harder than usual. Details are here:…

Helen Thomas

Yesterday's big news was news reporter, Helen Thomas, who was asked what the Israeli Jews ought to do about their situation. I think her answer was boosted by a little too much…

The Oil Spill and Revelation 16

In my study of the book of Revelation posted on the FFI's from a few years ago, I explained the seven bowls of wine being poured out in Revelation 16. The first bowl of wine…