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Two Rivers and the Second Passover

I had inserted an incorrect link to Cyrus and the 180 channels, but I put in the correct link now. You can read the story for yourself. Also, from further reading, it appears…

Interesting "Prophetic Song for Israel and America"

It sounds like this Song is calling America "Israel." Perhaps unknowingly. This comes from Kim Clement's prophecy page. Prophetic Song for Israel and America Israel, Israel,…

Brazil Resurrections seem to be a hoax Bummer.

Gleaning Truth from Unlikely Sources

In reading reports from around the world, it is often difficult to sort out fact from fiction. Likewise, to stay with "Christian" sources and to refuse to read other sources would…

For those interested in art Jeff is a long-time friend in Idaho. Go to the site above and click on "Art Galleries" at the top to see some of his art work and ice…

Hallelujah Chorus at Arby's

Do you get the feeling that Christ is being crowned King in America this year? How long will it take the government to catch on?…

Report from San Francisco

A friend named David has been "spying out the land" in San Francisco this past week. Recall that we are planning a conference in late January (or perhaps February) in that area…

Your sons and daughters will prophesy

Yesterday I attended an all-day meeting in Wisconsin that focused upon "Manifesting His Glory." This seems to have set me up for revelation as I awoke this morning. As you…

A Brief Explanation of the restored Republic

I received this explanation by email today. I find it simple and easy to understand . . . America was founded on biblical principles. Our rights and liberties come from God.…

The Story of Jonah I defer to the best story teller.

The restored Republic of the United States of America is now complete

As of Sunday, November 14, 2010 the Republic's three branches of government are now fully seated. If this venture proves successful, then this will be an important historic date,…

First Covenant Church website

First Covenant Church in Irving, Texas has put together a web site. This church is hosting a conference December 10-12, where I will…

Thought for the day on the Birthright

I received this report from a friend and reader: The word used in Heb 12:16 for “birthright” (only time birthright is used in NT) is Strong’s # 4415 (prototokia) and means:…

Helpful comment from a reader

Hi Stephen, First of all, thanks so much for writing this series on Romans. I really appreciate the clarity of your writing, and the fact that you delve so deeply into some of…

Update on my eyes

Last July I had cataract surgery on both eyes. Now for the first time since I was 13, I can see clearly without eyeglasses. This is obviously a great blessing to me. But I…

Waiting Patiently for my Nobel Prize

I am starting to lose hope. I have been waiting by the telephone for the call from Adam Smith, editor of the Nobel Prize website, telling me that I have won the Nobel Prize for…

Fran Fisher passes today

An email from Fran's daughter, Ginger . . . . Good Morning, Mom has left us and went home to Father. She passed this morning at 1222 but was pronounced at 153. It has…

Personal Observations on the World Scene

The FFI bulletin will be about a week late this month. I just finished writing it yesterday, proofed it overnight, and brought it to the print shop today. We will be sending it…

Updates on Elaine Cook's Condition

Many of you know Bill and Elaine Cook, whose ministry and writings have blessed us over the years. We first met them while still living in Arkansas around 1992. Elaine suffered…