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Understanding Spiritual Authority

A major question that weighs on the minds of many Christians is about spiritual authority. Where does it come from? How does one tap into it? What are the limits (if any) to our…

The prophetic effects of ungodly unity--Part 2

So far, I have only summarized the effects of Edom's unity with the evil figs of Judah. Judah was lawfully unable to inherit Palestine under the name of Judah, because the Law of…

The prophetic effects of ungodly unity--Part 1

If you have been following these blogs for the past few weeks, you will be able to understand this one. It is hardly possible to summarize such a large topic without drawing from…

The Unity Factor in Prophecy

The Unity Factor works fine as long as the newbies have faith in the King, His laws or decrees, and His system of government. If, however, their motives are to come in and change…

The Unity Factor

The name Israel was given to the sons of Joseph, but all those who were in UNITY with them were able to call themselves by that name. The same is true with the term Judah, or…

The Scofield Factor--Part 5

Scofield's belief that the Jews were the biblical Israel was an enormous blunder that most Jews themselves immediately recognized. The Jewish Quarterly Review, 1888 (Vol. 1) ran…

The Scofield Factor--Part 4

To my knowledge, none of the Dispensationalists a century ago had an understanding of the laws establishing the two comings of Christ. Further, when Dispensationalism became…

The Scofield Factor--Part 3

One of the main keys of Scripture that neither Darby nor Scofield understood was the reason why Christ must come twice. They knew the fact, but not the purpose. And so Scofield's…

The Scofield Factor--Part 2

Cyrus Scofield began studying the writings of John Darby in 1879 while serving a 6-month prison sentence for forgery. He had not been a Christian prior to that time, but then met…

The Scofield Factor--Part 1

The plans for a sovereign Zionist state in Palestine had its beginnings in the latter part of the 1800's. According The House of Rothschild (by Nial Ferguson, the Rothschild's…

Two or Three Kingdom Viewpoints

Two "Kingdom" theories have been debated for a long time in Christian circles. They are generally known as "Kingdom Now" and "Postponed Kingdom." The "Kingdom Now" view came out…

The Great Apostasy

It is hardly possible to overestimate the importance of understanding Paul's commentary on Hagar and Sarah in the fourth chapter of Galatians. It is the virtual antidote to John…

A Short History of the Coming War with Iran--Part 5

In 1998 a very interesting book was published by Simon & Schuster called The Gold of Exodus. It was written by Howard Blum. It is a book about the site of the original Mount…

A Short History of the Coming War with Iran--Part 4

The common people on the street are regularly used by those higher up to accomplish hidden purposes. Those higher up are also used regularly by those above them to accomplish…

A Short History of the Coming War with Iran--Part 3

Jeremiah 25:11 tells us that "these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years." This was on account of Jerusalem's refusal to keep its Sabbath years and its Jubilees.…

A Short History of the Coming War with Iran--Part 2

The Middle East is controlled by a "prince" known to Daniel as the Prince of Persia. For millennia he has controlled people mainly through the leaders in Persia itself, though he…

A Short History of the Coming War with Iran--Part 1

A few months ago, we posted reports about a possible war with Iran in the wake of the planned Palestinian appeal to the United Nations for statehood on September 23. It looks like…

The biblical meaning of 44

I showed earlier that the number 43 speaks of "contention" in Scripture. That number figures prominently in the rivalry between those who wanted to be the chosen inheritors. As we…

The Biblical meaning of 43

43 is the biblical number of contention. The number is written in Hebrew as a mem (40) and a gimel (3). A mem means "water," signifying a flow of history of time. Gimel is a…

The Biblical Meaning of 41 and 42

To write "41" in Hebrew, they use two Hebrew letters, mem and aleph. The mem means water, and the aleph means an ox. The Hebrew numbers from 41-49 are all signified by water…